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~Y/n's POV~
Me and Peggy were walking over to Eliza's and Angelica's dorm. I knocked on the door. The person who answered was Angelica. She had a huge smile across her face. She let me and Peggy walk in. I saw Eliza on the couch looking at her finger. Then I told Angelica that John had proposed to me. Then she smirked and said, "Soooo, when you get to share a house with John... You guys gonna have some.. 'Fun' if you know what I'm talking about..." Then she winks at me... I was blushing so hard. But I just shrugged, "Though, we are gonna get an apartment THEN a house so.." I said.

Me and Peggy went out of their room and went back to our dorm. When we got here I asked Peggy where she was going after we get out of this dorm, I asked Peggy where she would stay. "Angelica, has a house already, I guess I'm gonna stay there.." Peggy said.

~time skip to everyone getting outta ze collage~

~Laurens' POV~
Y/n and me got to our apartment, where we would stay together until we found a house. The apartment was almost like the dorms at collage, but bit more bigger and a bigger kitchen. We had already put our furniture in. We decided to go and get some food. We went to [Your favorite restaurant].

Once we got there, I asked Y/n, "So," I said "What kind of house do you want?" She shrugged. When the waiter came, we ordered our food.

~Y/n's POV~
OK, so once both of us got to our apartment, I'm just gonna ask him outta the blue 'Do you wanna have some 'Fun'?' God, I hope Angelica and Peggy are happy for me.

When we got done eating, we went back in our apartment then outta the blue I said "S-so.. Laurens..." I coughed hen sat on the couch. Laurens followed, and sat next to me. "D-do you, um, w-wanna, have s-some F-fun...?" By that I was already blushing my ass off. I didn't even make eye contact... He hugged me a kissed me... Then he said "You sure..?" And I nodded
OK don't ask why I wanted to do that. But I'm so so so so soooooo sorry I didn't update!! I have fucking skool but its the weekend so YAY! Anyway, I'm not gonna write smut cuz idk how :/ anyway I hope you guys enjoyed dis chapter!

Editor: 28NightWolf

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