T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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I'm bored, so why not make this... Btw, I don't remember when I said I was gonna do a face reveal, but when I hit 1k reads then yea... WHICH IS SUPER CLOSE... Fucc
~Y/n's POV~
It has been a month later. John has been staying at Alexander's house for the remaining days. I was in bed on my phone, on Instagram. I hadn't told anyone about what happened. Only Lafayette... I'm not sure if John had told Alexander what happened, but if he did then, Alexander as well. Those were the only people that knew...

~John's POV~
Because Y/n doesn't want to see me for 2 months, I was staying at Alexander's house for the remaining days. I didn't tell him, but he keeps asking me why. "It's been 1 month John. You've been at my house for one month, which I don't mind, but you haven't told me why you have been staying here, but not with Y/n.." Alex says. He sits next to me, I already feel some tears in the corner of my eyes, I don't know why. "Please John..." He says, "I just want to know what's going on.." He puts his hand on my shoulder and I sigh. "I did something bad to Y/n..." I say. He looks at me. "What did you do?" Alex asks. I let out a shaky breath and say: "I-I cheated on her.." I let a few tears fall, and I see Alex's eyes widen. "With who?" He asks. "A-Angelica..." I say, before bursting into tears. He doesn't ask why I cheated on her with Angelica, Alex just pulls me into a hug. "It's ok John, you have one more month and you can see Y/n again...." He says. 'One more month, one more month left then I get to see Y/n's beautiful face again...'

~Y/n's POV~
Oh god, I can't wait for the last month... Just one more month and I get to see John's face... Just one more month...
So... Sorry for the short ass cHapter... But uh, who TF cares... Uh, I'm trying to think of ideas... Yay, you and John meet each other... But John doesn't come to da house you live in wit John, he just stays at Alex's house, but somebODY ELSE COMES. *DRAMATIC ASS GASP* k welp see y'all on da next chapter

Editor: 28NightWolf (XxKittyPoroxX )
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

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