T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Ok... Let me just say, on the little A/n on the last chapter on the BOTTOM, had so many typos xD, I'm to lazy to fix them to ahhhbsjsbdjwbsks. Anyway idk what to do for this chapter, but imma just say like its hmm... Let's say 2 more months later because I can.
(again I LoVe time skipz)

~Y/n's POV~
Two months later. The doctors told Me and John what the gender is. And its a girl! (I need names, but if I don't get any comments for the names, then I'm gonna have to make on up, so uh.. Your gonna have to deal with that.. Sorry)

It was 4:26 in the morning and I woke up. Suprisingly, I didn't see John. I think he was outside in the living room. I went out to the living room to see John on his phone.. Doing something.. I really don't know, but I don't care right now. I walked over to him a pond sat on the couch next to him. "Morning.." I say. "Morning, love." He says and kisses me on the forehead. I giggle a bit. "So, what do you wanna do today?" John asks. "Um... I really don't know.. How about... We go to the park! We haven't been there in forever." I say with excitement. John laughs and nods.

~time skip becAUSE IM A LAZY ASS PERSON~

When we got there, we saw Peggy and Hercules sitting on a bench. I decided to scare Peggy. I went behind her and, "HI PEGGY!" I yelled. "AHH!" She screamed. I was laughing my ass off. "Don't scare me like that Y/n!" She says, scolding me (again, I think thats the right word xD) "Says the girl who wakes me up scaring me in collage." I say. She laughs and hugs me, "I haven't seen you in forever!" Peggy says. I laugh a bit "it's good to see you too!" I say. "So, why are you here at the park?" I ask her. "Hercules said he wanted to tell me something." I look at Hercules and smirk. I knew he was going to purpose to Peggy. (Let's just say they were Dating for... Uh..like 5 or six months...yea.. Look it's Fanfiction I can so whatever the fuck I want) We all talked for at least 30 minutes, then we left Peggy and Hercules alone.
I'm sorry this is such a short chapter, really. But I wanna TRY and make chapters everyday so yea :> by the way that's so much for 877 reads. I didn't think I would get this much readz

Editor: 28NightWolf ( XxKittyPoroxX )
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

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