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Alright, I didn't go to skool yesterday but I didn't technically make a chapter.... So now I'm going to make a chapter :> k onto ze chapter
~Y/n's POV~
I was still on my fucking period. I couldn't go to sleep either so I stayed up and watched a sad movie... Turns out that movie was 2 hours and 30 minutes.... I started watching it at 2:00 it ended at 4:30.. And I was crying "God why did *sniffle* did he have to do that..!?" (I don't know what the movie is about... Just role with me here..) I sobbed trying to sound quiet and not waking John up. I decided to go to sleep cuz it was already 4:45 and I barely got any sleep...so I went to sleep. All I wanted to do right now was hug John.... Instantly when I hug him, he feels so. Fricken. WARM!! I swear to god this guy need to teach me. Then he coughed... I have no idea why I said that, but he doesn't really cough unless her just wants to be noticed 'Why is he coughing... He already has my attention...' I though. Then.. He did a little sniffle, I was concerned was he crying? I decided to try and talk to him. I said in a whisper "John, baby, are you ok..?" John sneezed and nodded. I sighed and said "Your sick... Huh..?" He nodded and said "I guess..." In such a quiet voice ( oh god, I just noticed right now that I had a little piece of gum in my hair XD) "Stay in bed. I'll make you some soup and-" before I could even finish my sentence, John cut me of by saying "I should be able to take care of myself *cough* anyway, your on your period a-and *ACHOO!*" I giggled and said "Your staying in bed until you get better. I'm going to make you some soup." I kissed him and he gave a little nod before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep again.

I made some chicken soup for him. I gave it to him, and I went back to the smol living area and said to myself... "Hey... Why not invite the guys over.." (Let's just say that Eliza and Alex had already gotten married..) I called the guys over.

Once they got over here, I told them to be quiet because John was sleeping, and we all know how loud Alexander is *Cough* and maybe Hercules *Cough*

We were talking and stuff when Laf asked me a question that caught my attention (Hey, that rhymed :3) "So, mon ami, when are you going to have a child with John?" Laf said with his thick French accent. Surprisingly i wasn't even embarrassed why he asked me. I just shrugged and said "I dunno, I'm not ready yet so.."

The day passed and the guys were going home. Once I closed the door to the entrance I realized "wait, i haven't checked on John for the whole day... Fuck..," I said to myself. I went to the bedroom to see John still in bed on his phone watching some random stuff (that's what I do when I have nothing to watch XD) he saw me and smiled at me. I walked over to him and said "Sorry I didn't check on you. The guys were here and-" John cut me off again by saying "it's alright *cough* we don't really get to see anyone a lot because they don't really stop by..." Then I remembered the one question Laf asked me... Oh god I hope John didn't- "Did Laf ask you a question on when you want to have a baby?" John said with an innocent smile on his face... Fuck he heard. I nodded. He laughed a bit and said "I'm ready when you want to have a baby.. But for right now, come and sleep with me." I didn't care if I got sick. I got in bed with him and we both fell asleep.
Ok, I finished this I started this at 1:00 and finished this at 3:38... And I'm on my brothers iPad. My mom never let's any devices in my room not my iPad or phone. So i have to use my brothers iPad from time to time. I have a little box (you know what I'm talking about) on my brothers iPad... It looks like this:

I have to use "Kk" because that means sister in my home language

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I have to use "Kk" because that means sister in my home language. And yes my brother likes Minecraft storymode I don't rlly know why though.... Anyway thanks for reading my crap. and yes I do have "Sing!" Don't question me, I met a lot of friends and even some that are in my real life :/

Editor: 28NightWolf
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

Again I have no idea why I'm tagging them even though they do... Nothing :/ Thanks for totally doing nothing! *sarcasm*

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