T H I R T Y - F O U R

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~Y/n's POV~
I woke up holding Penny in my arms. It was 4:01 AM, Penny and John are still asleep. I decided to put Penny in John's arm and take a picture. I d so and put her in his arms. I took a picture. After I did that, I saw John wake up. "We're you awake the whole entire time?" I asked. He nodded. "I know you well." I said, smiling.

°~Time skip because I can think of anything and LAURENS_IS_SEXY I will use your idea later in the chapters~°

Penny woke up at 7:28 and she cried... I took her an breastfed her. Took 8 minutes and now she wants to go with John. I sighed and smiled. I gave Penny to John and she claimed down almost instantly. "Ya know," John said. "I think I'm the luckiest guy alive to have the most beautiful baby, and the most sexiest wife." He smirked (DONT MIND ME, IM JUST THINKING OF IDEAS ALONG THE WAYY!) I blushed and said, "Well I think I'm the most luckiest girl alive to have the most sweetest baby and the most handsome daddy alive." I said, smirking. John's face went full red. I laughed at that and said: "I'm better at this." "Well, I have a thick dick." John said, smirking again (help me) "Well I have the thickest ass." I said. I was trying my best not to laugh because Penny was sleeping. I could tell John wanted to laugh too.

After all that, Penny woke up 5 minutes later. She just woke up... She didnt cry or anything... ThAtS nEw.

°~Time skip because I really need help..~°

~Laurens' POV~
It was 7:05 Pm, Y/n was getting super sleepy. Penny was already asleep in my arms. "Why are you trying to stay up?" I asked. "Because, what if Penny wakes up like 10 minutes later and-" I cut off Y/n and said: "Penny is in my arms. So I she wakes up, I'll put her back to sleep." She nodded and she instantly went to sleep. I smiled and closed my eyes and went to sleep.
Sorry its a very and I mean VERY SHORT CHAPTERRRRR! I tried to think of ideas.. And I think I might end the book on chapter 48 or maybe 50.. Why? Because its so HARDD (Sounds wrong) TO THINK OF IDEAAASSSSSS!! I just wanna get to the Lams book 👌 and probably because I feel depressed or somethibg like that. I cried myself to sleep last night too so... Yea..

Editor & Detailor: @28NightWolf @XxKittyPoroxX

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