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~Y/n's POV~
After Alex and Laurens went back to their dorm, (Alex and Laurens share a dorm,  Herc and Laf share the same dorm too, now u know -3-) Peggy and I decided to go back to our dorm too since it was getting pretty late... 

On our way back, outta nowhere Peggy just asked, "SO!  Who's your crushhhh..?" asked to break the silent "U-um, I don't really wanna tell you..." I said in a small voice. Peggy was able to hear"Aw, come on! Even though we've only known each other for like 2 days doesn't mean you can't trust me!" Peggy said, she was trying to convince me to tell her my crush...  'Well, I guess I could tell her, she's a super sweet girl after all..' I said in my head. I sighed, and said, "L-laurens... " in a small voice so Peggy couldn't hear, but for my luck, she heard...  "YOU LIKE LAURENS?!" Peggy yelled, causing people to stare at us... I quickly covered her mouth. "Yes!  I do, but please dont tell him, even though Laurens and I only met today, he seems super sweet and I don't want to break our friendship..." I said, in a kinda sad tone... Peggy nodded, and said in a whisper, "Can I tell my sisters and the others..!?" I just nodded, "But be sure to tell them to NOT tell Laurens... Please?" She nodded again, and we both made our way back to our dorm...

WOW!  two chapters in one day?! But no one is reading it buy only mai friends are -3- and I might not even post tomorrow thru Thursday becuz of fucking skool UGH Welp I have 43 or 44 more days of skool left till summer break YAS!! WELP see ya guyz!! And this chapter was super short so I apologize it's super short XD

Editor: 28NightWolf
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

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