T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Ughhhhhhhhhhh.... I'm at ze track meet with mah friendddddddddddddddd.... :> k I don't really know k onto ze chapter

~Lafayette's POV~ (FINALLY XD)

It was my anniversary with Angelica! I decided to go and get some white lilys, because roses were to cliché, and some chocolate, but today was a very special day... I was going to purpose to Angelica! It was 5:28 in the afternoon.

After I got the white lilys and chocolate, I went back to our house... when I got there, I opened the door, and saw the most horrifying thing in the world...

"L-lafayette! I-its not what it looks like!" Angelica stared at me with wide eyes. I saw John on top of Angelica, kissing her... I dropped the white lilys and the chocolate. I just let tears fall down my face, I didn't know what to do but just run out of the house. I still had the ring with me. The last thing I heard was John's voice saying: "Wait, Laf! Don't tell Y/-"

I was walking down the sidewalk, I was close to Y/n's house... So I decided to tell her what happened......

I was still crying from the event that had just happened. I was in front of Y/n's doorstep... I inhaled and exhailed, and I knocked on the door...

~Y/n's POV~
I was watching TV, when I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I yelled. I walked over to the door and opened it. When I opened it, I saw Lafayette with puffy red eyes and tear stains. "Laf! Are you ok?! What happened?" He was silent so I let him walk inside and sit on the couch. I told Lafayette to calm down and tell me what happened. "A-angelica....I-is c-c-cheating on m-me w-with-" Laf said, then he started to burst into tear again. "Ssshhhh... Its ok Laf... Calm down.." I said, "Who is Angelica cheating on you with?" (Idk if that made sense) Lafayette looked at me with his red, puffy eyes.. They looked dead.. "John...." I looked at him with wide eyes... "W-what? I-i think I miss heard you..." I said. "She's cheating on me with.. John... I-i'm sorry Y/n?" I couldn't hold it in anymore and I burst into tears... Next thing I know we're both crying and holding each other in our arms... (detailor: While the couch is getting wet...)

Okkkkkkkk sooo heyyyyyy... I got this idea from my friend. I've been bringing my phone on Fridays becuz those are track meets and we can bring our phones :P she and my other friend Mia, have been reading them... They actually really like it, and they are suggesting some random stuff....and cuz I have writers block... These are one of ze suggestions... :D don't murder me pls

Editor: 28NightWolf ( XxKittyPoroxX )
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

Detailor: so............................................ Mia is reading this? WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER TELL ME *GETS TRIGGERED AGAIN*


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