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~Y/n's POV~

I woke up to feel a bare chest on my back and arms around me. I also felt something poking me on my bottom. I turned and saw John's peaceful face... Then I remember what happened last night/realized that me and John we're naked (whichever you prefer...). I shook John to wake him up. He woke up and asked me "What is it..?" I then asked him, "D-did we use p-protection...?" I asked him with a faint blush on my face. He looked confused at first, then his face showed realization. He nodded and closed his eyes. I sighed in relief, got up and went to make some food.

I made pancakes, eggs, and bacon. A normal breakfast, then I added some cherries cuz... They taste amazing, you can't blame me... (if you don't like cherries, you can change it, OH, and yes you are wearing clothes now, so you aren't naked) John woke up and hugged me from behind. I smiled and kept on cooking like the good wi- WAIT, DID WE EVER PLAN A WEDDING?! "JOHN! DID WE EVER PLAN THE WEDDING YET?! DID YOU EVEN TELL THE GUYS?!" I said yelling. John shook his head calmly and said "Hun, don't worry, we'll plan it in a week... And I'll tell the guys laterrrrrr..."I sighed and nodded.

After John and I ate breakfast, we sat on the couch and we watched some TV when I got a text. It was from Peggy, it said:

AnDpEgGy: Sooooooo, did you guys have any 'Fun' yet? ;)

N/n: Um, maybe we have last night...?

AnDpEgGy: EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK!! I need to tell Eliza and Angelica! OK well, bai Y/N!

N/n: Heh... OK see ya...

~Peggy's POV~ (wowowowowowowow!!)

OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I believe it--- actually no! I can't believe it! Y/n and Laurens just. Had. Sex!!!! I need to tell Eliza and Angelica RIGHT NOWWW!! I went over to Angelica, just because I live with her. I went up to her and said, "Y/N AND LAURENS JUST HAD SEX LAST NIGHT!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!" She looked at me with a surprised look and said "Your kidding... RIGHT?!" I shook my head... "IM CALLING Y/N TO CHECK IF YOUR LYING OR NOTT!!!"

~Y/n's POV~

I had my head in Laurens' lap... cuz why not. Then I heard my phone, the ID caller was Angelica. She didn't call me often, so this is new. I picked it up and put it on speaker so John could hear too. When I picked up the call, I was gonna say something but I was cut off by this: "OH MY GOD, Y/N, DID YOU REALLY HAVE SEX WITH JOHN LAST NIGHT?!" It was Angelica screaming at me if I had sex with John. My face was bright red, I was gonna say something until John had said "Why yes, me and Y/n did have sex last night..." He had a smirk on his face. I was about to tackle him until Alexander, Hercules, and Lafayette bust through the door (you already hung up on Angelica -3-) "YOU GUYS FUCKED, AND YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU PROPOSED TO Y/N!!" Herc yelled. I was just sitting there, with a faint blush. "Why the hell are you guys making this such a big deal?" Laurens said. "BECAUSE YOU TOOK Y/N'S VIRGINITY, AND IT WAS ALSO YOUR FIRST TIME MON AMI!" Laf yelled 'Wow.... It was John's first time, and he's amazing at it... And don't get me started with his big di–' that's when I realized everyone in the room was looking at me. Then Alex said "Y/n... You do realize you said ALL of that out loud... Right..?" I could see John's face bright red from what I had said. I coughed awkwardly, then said "Ignore what I had just said please...." Alex was looking at me... "We might tell the girls...." I looked at Alex. "OK WELP WE GOTTA GO BYE BYE!!" And they all went out of our apartment.

..... There's was awkward silence between us for one or two minutes before John said "... You really think that..?" John was still blushing, I could tell. I nodded.. "And I'm surprised you could take such a big size.." John said. He smirked and chuckled a bit. Ughhhh, that chuckle is to cute! I couldn't tale it anymore so I had to kiss him. Surprisingly he kissed back...
Then the kiss got heated... AND NO WE DIDN'T HAVE SEX THIS TIME! By the word heated I mean that John was shirtless and I was sitting in his lap... I pulled away from the kiss and giggled.

We ended up watching a movie. He was still shirtless and I was still in his lap. And we both slept like that, the whole entire night...
Two chapters in one day(?) DAMNNNNNN IM ON A ROLEEEEEEEE Haha, jk jk. Um and yes that actually happened... I have no idea what to say now... K well time to tag my editor and Detailor

Editor: 28NightWolf
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

-cough- even though they do nothing -coughhhh-

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