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~Y/n's POV~
I woke up.. In only my bra and panties (because sex xD) I look over... And see John in only his boxers.. Why were we half nake- oh... OHHHH.... OK.. "JOHN WAKE UP!" I yelled at him. "What the hell do you wantttttttt.. " he groaned.. "DID WE USE PROTECTION?!" I yelled at him again. "Yes... Yes we did..." He replied. "Oh.." I sighed in relief. "Its 2:09 in the morning, stop waking up so early.... " he groaned.. "Jesus.. Ok. " I aside and went to sleep hugging John... Even though I was still in my bra and panties and John in his boxers.
This is was possibly the shortest chapter I've ever done in my life.. I didnt didnt know what to do fie this chapter SoooO.. Yea... I promise I'll try and make a longer chapter.. Maybe r or tomorrow.. Kk baibai. And this chapter takes 37 seconds to read so ha.

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