T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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~Y/n's POV~
When I woke up, again, I felt something wet on my neck. Knowing what happened at 2 in the morning, I could tell it was Nicolette... "Sssttttooooooppppp... " I said, laughing. But then I realized that I didn't hear any panting. Also, something heavy on my body. I opened my eyes and saw John on top of me. Softly snoring and slightly drooling. I smirked and decided to yell.. Just because. "AHH!" I screamed. John fell off the bed. A Huge 'THUD!' on the floor. "H-HUH, W-WHAT HAPPENED?!" John screamed. I burst out laughing "AHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOSH!" I laughed. He got up and pinned me down, and I saw a smirk on his face. I was still laughing until he kissed me. Surprisingly I shut up instantly. He moved his hand down to my sex and started rubbing it. I let out a little moan, until he pulled his hand away from my private, and stopped kissing me. I pouted/whined. He then sat next to me (I think that made sense) "We can't have sex because of the baby." He said. "Awww damnit.. I really wanted sex." I fake pouted. "Maaayyybeeee later.. Depends if Eliza wants to take care of Penny and Nicolette." John tells me. "ILL TELL THEM SOON!" I yelled. He laughs. "Anyway, what time is it?" (SHOW TIME!) I ask. He looks at the clock and looks back at me. "3:25 in the morning." He says, casually. "ARE YOU SAYING WE GOT ONE HOUR OF SLEE-" before i could finish, John puts his hand to my mouth. "SHUSH! Or you're gonna wake Penny up!" He whisper yelled.. "Sorry.." I say, but it's muffled because John has his hand over my mouth. I smirk and lick his hand again. He pulls away and looks at me. "Why the fuck did you lick my hand again?" He asks me. "Because can't your wife have a little fun in a while?" (I thinkkk that made sense) I respond. "Oh you'll get to have fun soon, sexy.." He says, and looks at me with a smirk. MY FACE IS BURNING UP BY THE SECOND. I REPEAT, MY FACE, IS BURNING UP. I really couldn't say anything else. "Can we just go back to sleep please?" I ask. He nods and lays down right next to me. I go lay down on him. With my back facing the ceiling. "Don't question me, I wanna do this." I say. He chuckles and nods. And then we fall asleep peacefully. 'Maybe I should ask John if we could adopt a child..' I thought. And fell asleep.
Ayyyyyy, this is another short chapter because my ass can't think of any ideas.. BUT OOOOOOOooOoooOOOOOO LAURENS_IS_SEXY YOUR IDEA GONNA BE IN A CHAPTERRR OOOOOOOooOoOOOOOOOO YUUPP. ok well I hope you have a good day or night. And again, sorry for the super short chapter like the last one. Haha.. K BAI BAI!! And yes there might be smut in the next CHAPTERRR SOO oooOoOoOOOOOOOoOoooooo

And yes that is my drawing up there XD

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