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This might be a short chapter sorry :/
~Y/n's POV~
I woke up to face the cutest person in the world, John Laurens. I looked at the time and it was 4:14 on a Sunday. It was to early to get up so I stayed in bed. Then out of nowhere I just hugged John... 'He's so fricken warm... Teach meee' I said in my head... I don't know if John was awake or not, so I went to make food. I got up from the bed, then I heard this: "Noooooo... Stay here with meeeeee..." I looked over my shoulder and saw John awake.

~Laurens' POV~
I woke up to Y/n hugging me. I never wanted her to let go but, she went to go make food or something like that.. I was wide awake, but I decided to sound sleepy. "Noooooo... Stay here with meeeeee...." I said, trying to sound sleepy. Y/n looked over her shoulder and looked at me, she was blushing. "W-were you awake t-the whole time?" I nodded my head and said, "Now come back to bed with me, I can make the food later.." Y/n went back in the bed, so I'm sure she won't escape... I put my arms around her.

We stayed like that for a while, I looked at the time and it was 6:35 we've stayed like this for 2 hours! I decided to go up and make food, I think Y/n was asleep, because she didn't move. I went outside of my room to see Alex still on the couch, passed out. I shook him, but he didn't get up. This time I yelled in this ear: "GET UP SLEEPYHEAD!!" He woke up and almost hit me, I was laughing my ass off! "What the hell was that for?!" Alex said. I told him to shut up, because Y/n was still sleeping in my room. Then I see Alex with a smirk on, he said, "Oooo, did you guys do anything 'Fun' last night?" Then he started wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed and just shook my head, then I said "WELP! I'm gonna make some food now." So I went to the kitchen and made some food (ok idk anythibg about college dorms or college let me BEE) Then Y/n walked out of my room. She said good morning to Alex and me, then sat on the couch. I gave Alex and Y/n [whatever kind of food you want] and I ate too.

Now its 7:51 and Y/n just left. But before she left, I asked her if we could go on a walk, she said yes, so were meeting at the park at 3:25.
YAY, DONE WIT CHAPTER 9 WHOOOOO! And thanks so much for 118 reads!! I'm suprised, and I didn't make a chapter yesterday cuz I was to lazy SORRY!! I'll do a face reveal at 1k, I doubt it might happen but YAAA!
k baiii💖💖

Editor: 28NightWolf
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

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