T H I R T Y - F I V E

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~Laurens' POV~
Yo I'm sorry 😂😂 I just thought it would be funny if I did that, I really did wanna put that part in the chapter but I'm like... Nah.. Maybe, another time
~Laurens' POV~
I woke up... To peace. It was quiet.. I'm surprised. I looked over to the clock and it was (2:06 AM DAMNNNN) 5:25.. Normally Penny would be awake by this time.. Well, looks like Penny was cal- WAIT, Y/N'S BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW AND I ALMOST FORGOT SSSHHHIII-

"Morning." I looked beside me and saw Y/n looking at me. "Morning Hun." I replied. "I woke up to see you with wide eyes and just talking to yourself quietly. Is there something wrong?" She asked. "Uhhh.. Nope, there is nothing wrong!" I said. She just nodded and waited for Penny to wake up- and right after I say that, Penny wakes up... That's surprising. Y/n breastfed her, I was too shy to actually look at her while she was doing that. "Why won't you look at me? It's not like you've never seen me without a bra before.." Y/N says, looking at me. "It's just," I said (trying to think of what John will say) "I don't really feel like looking at you right now..?" "I am offended." She says with no emotion in her voice. "Wait no!" I said looking at her. "I didn't mean it like that! It's just I don't feel comfortable looking at you while you're breastfeeding!" Y/n just gives me a 'What-the-hell' face. "John... We've had sex before.. You've seen me without a bra before.." She says. "Oh yeah..." Y/n just gives me a facepalm as an answer. I laugh at that.

~Y/n's POV~
How thE HELL DOES JOHN NOT KNOW THIS SH- welp, time to give Penny to John. I give Penny to John. She examines his face (WITH A VERY INTENSE FACE) and.. Just plays with his face, and hair. I slowly take my phone out and take like 50 pictures of it.

°~time skipity skip because I'm super lazy..Thats me for ya.. (21 Chump Street reference? No? Ok I'll just show myself out)~°

We decided to go to the park because I realize this now, Penny has never, and I mean NEVER been outside from this house. We decided to go tot the park where I met John.

After we get there, we see the Schuyler sister and their couples.. Well.. Except for Lafayette and Angelica.. They weren't couples.. But we still saw them. I went behind Herc's back and decided to scare him. "Boo." I said quietly. "COME ANY CLOSER. I DARE YOU!" He turned around and saw me. "Oh hey Y/n.. How are yo- OH MY GOSH, WHO IS THIS BABY!?" I laughed and said, "This is Penny, my baby." "I AM GOING TO MAKE CLOTHES FOR HER. SO. MUCH. CLOTHES." We all just started laughing our butts off! "I haven't laughed like this since collage!" I said."We all had some good memories there.." Peggy said. "I still remember so well that Peggy would jump on my bed and scream: "WAKE UP Y/N! WERE GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASSES!!" (I Totally didn't have to go back to chapter four to remember that) I said, laughing a bit. "Hey! It's not my fault you sleep in!" Peggy said, still laughing a bit. "We all had really good memories there.." Alex said. "I'm just glad that we met Y/n! She's pretty much changed our lives every since Peggy introduced us to her!" John said. "She's especially changed mine." I blushed and I heard "Awwwww's"


~3rd Person~ (haven't used this POV since chapter one)
Y/n and John said their good bye's to everyone and headed home. Once they got there. They just went to sleep instantly. Penny was already asleep. Y/n put Penny in her crib and went to her shared bedroom with John. She got in bed with John and said: "Goodnight, I love you.." The last words she heard before she fell asleep was "Good night, and I live you too My Little Angel." And they both fell asleep.
YAS, FINALLY A CHAPTER, I've been getting lazier and lazier. I'm not gonna stop this book. I'm actually enjoying this. And remember WHEN YOU PUT A TITLE, ALWAYS UNDERLINE IT AND CAPITALIZE THE BEGINNING LETTERS. sorry, I just wanted to say that because........ I wanted to...

Editor & Detailor: 28NightWolf & XxKittyPoroxX

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