F O U R T Y - T W O

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WOW. NO MORE SEX- oh hey there haha.. I was listening to Hamilton.. Don't mind me.
~John's POV~
I woke up at 5:57 in the morning... (A MINUTE AFTER YOU WOKE UPP) i wake up super early now.. That's not weird at all (I just wanna get this chapter over with xD) and, just as I though, Y/n.. Is slowly drifting off to sleep.. SHE STAYED UP. AWESOME, WOW (I NEED HELP) how do I take care of a baby.. Child.. Wait.. A child.. FUUUUUU- WERE GONNA ADOPT A CHILD ON TUESDAY WHICH IS.. TOMORROW.. FUUUUUUUUUU-

~Y/n's POV~ (this is exactly gonna be like John's dream.. No foreshadowing.. Maybe)

I was sitting on the couch with John next to me. I was on my phone, while John was looking stressed. "So.." John said. No making eye contact with me. I looked at him and hummed in response. "Is it true..?" I look at him, confused. "What do you mean..?" I asked.. "Don't act dumb, Y/n! You know what you did!" He yelled at me. "I... I don't know what your talking about.. Can you just please tell me..?" I asked him. I sounded calm. "Y/n.. You really want to know what you did..?" He asked. I nodded my head frantically (yep yep) "You cheated on me Y/n.. You cheated on me with Alexander! My best friend!" (OH SHIIIIIII-) he yelled at me. "W-wait.. I- I didn't cheat on you! I don't even remember cheating on you!" I yelled back at him. "Oh, go ahead and act stupid like you don't know anything you did with him!" He yelled back at me. "We already have a baby, a dog, and we're going to adopt another child! You already know all about this, and you still go ahead and cheat on me!" I forgot we were going to adopt a kid.. "I don't even know what your talking about John! I'm not acting stupid, I don't remember going over to Alexander's house, and cheating on you!" I shoot back at him (is that the right word? XD) "Really!? Then why is Eliza over with Angelica and crying!? She told me that you f*cked Alex! We both know that this is true, especially you Y/n! You did this!" He yelled back at me.


After a bunch of arguing, (I think that's how you spell it) John went over to pack up. "Wait! John, you have to believe me! I didn't cheat on you with Alex! I promise you, I didn't do anything with him!" I told him. "You can tell me all of that stuff, and I still won't believe you.. I really can't Y/n!" He yelled at me. And made eye contact with me. I could see tears in his eyes already. "I'm leaving." That's all he said before heading out the door, and slamming it shut. I fell down, crying. I looked back up, with tear still in my eyes. Everything was turning black, I hear voices. Just, the worst I could ever hear..

"Y/n..? Y/n wake up!" I shoot up, panting and sweating. I instantly break down. Crying and crying. "Y-y/n... Are you ok? You we're tossing and turning, for 1 whole hour... You mumbling, I... I couldn't make out what you were saying.. All I could hear was 'I didn't cheat on you with Alexander..'" He told me. I instantly hug him. "I-I'm s-sorry John! I-I didn't m-mean to!" I sobbed. "What are you talking about..?" He said. "Y-you t-thought I cheated o-on you with A-Alexander. B-but.. You didn't b-believe me! Y-you left m-me.. Y-you left the h-house.." I told him. "Y/n, even if that happened.. I would never leave you.. You know that.." He told me. He hugged me tightly. "Now.. How much sleep did you get?" He asked me, making eye contact with me. "Only that one hour.." I told him. "Ok girl! You need to sleep!" He told me. I giggled and laid my head in John's lap. "Now, go to sleep, and be sure to get a lot of sleep." He said, smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded. My eyes getting heavier and heavier by the second. The next thing I know, I'm asleep.
WOOP WOOOPPPPP. I MADE A CHAPTERRRR. I was sick in the morning, so I couldn't make a chapter.. Andddddd over here at Indonesia its 11:01 pm here.. Haha.. COOL, IM TOTALLY NOT TIRED HAHA... HELP.. Ok Welp.. BAI BAIII 👌🏻

Ps. Thanks for LAURENS_IS_SEXY and Aubrey-campos commenting on almost every chapter, also Awesomeaiya (i think.. I'm not trying to be mean.. Am I?)

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