T W E N T Y - O N E

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~Y/n's POV~
I woke up to s smiling, but still sleeping John. I checked the time and it was 4:23 am. I looked back at John, and I just looked at every detail he has on his face. His freckles, his hair, his smile, his dimples (don't question me :/) EVERYTHING. I need to ask him how he keeps himself warm. I didn't bother to even get up to make breakfast. I just wanted to stay in bed with John, because of what happened 2 hours ago.... (I think it was two hours ago, even though it's been a whole day... Look it's fan fiction alright this is good shit your reading -cough- NoImBadAtWriting -cough-)

I stared at him for almost an hour. Then I saw his eyes fluttering open. I didn't know what to do but close my eyes and hope that he didn't know I was awake. I think John was awake, because I heard a chuckle from him. "I know your awake, hon." John said. I slowly opened my eyes to see John's cute face. I giggled and kissed him. Then I asked him, "John, why are you so warm?" He looked at me and said, "Probably because I stay under the sheets a lot...." I laughed, I even earned a smol (<no.. :detailor) laugh from him too.

We didn't really do anything for the next 3 hours, but stay in bed. I broke the awkward silence by saying, "John.... I need to confess something to you..." I looked at him, and I could see that he was worried. "W-what is it? Are you ok?" He said. I inhaled and exhaled, "I-I'm..... Im cheating on you...." I could see his eyes water just a little bit. 'Oh god why did I have to say that...? Why, why, WH-' I was cut off from my thoughts when John said, "W-with who?" I was holding in my laugh and said, "I-I'm cheating on you with... With chocolate...." I heard a gasp from him. "Then I'm gonna eat chocolate." He said with a smirk on his face. "Wait, don't eat chocolate!" (Detailor and Y/N: IF U TOUCH THE CHOCOLATE :llllllllllllllllllll I WILL KILL YOU *GRABS KNIFE*)

                      ~Time skip after John ate the fucking chocolate :3~

I walked out to see John on the couch, looking through his phone. I tried looking for my chocolate, but couldn't find it. "Did you actually eat chocolate, John?" I asked. "Pfft, yea... Why?" He said with a cute laugh. I sat next to him and said, "That was the only sweet thing I had....." With a pouty face. "So I'm not sweet to you..?" John said with puppy dog eyes and a cute ass voice. He already knew I couldn't stay mad at him for eating mah chocolate. (good ass grammar guyz) I laid down on John's chest and said, "I can't stay mad at you forever just for eating my (GREAT AND SWEET) chocolate..." We both laughed and talked for the rest of the day.

Oof... Guys I'm tired... I have a fricken choir performance, and were gonna have real judges.... CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THAT!? I'm super tired but finished this just in time for FUKING skool.... And if my deTAILOR... *Cough* sees this.... Well then... Yeaaaaaa... I've always wanted to use this joke      ^^^^^^.     Because get it..... DeTAILOR--- ok I'll stop...

Editor: 28NightWolf
:>> ^^^^^.             We all know you guys love my jokes.... K I'll go now.... K BAI.

DETAKILLOR: .......... wow -_- *grabs knife* I'll see you tonight ........

AUTHOR: HOLY SHIT, OK OK! It was just a joke.... I'm scurd now.... -cough- I'm still gonna put my joke....

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