T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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Why tf am I so tired xD
ONE MORE MONTH LATER (I love time skips)

~Y/n's POV~
Its been a month later. Laf and Angelica are just friends now until they're comfortable with being a couple again I guess. But, today is the day I get to see John again! I've missed him so much, I think Laf was right, 2 months is a bit to much.

~Laurens' POV~
Looks like its a new month.. And this month is when I get to see Y/n again. I don't wanna go to her- or our house right away, I just think that it sounds desperate... So I'll just go in the afternoon. Plus, I do t think Y/n would want to see me right away..

~Y/n's POV~
I need to see him right away, I'm this desperate just to see his face again. It w 7:27 in the morning. I get dressed and go to Alexander's house and knock on the door. Eliza opens the door. "Y/n! It so good to see you again!" She says. She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. "What brings you here?" Eliza asks. "Can I see John?" I say almost immediately. "Sure, he's been here the whole two months, I'm still confused why though... But he's in one of the guest rooms." She replys. I thank her and go to the guest room where John was staying at. I wait outside the door for a little bit just to get ready. I inhale and exhale and I walk in quietly.

~Laurens' POV~
I was on the bed looking through my pictures on my phone. I mostly see the ones with Y/n and me. She s so happy in those pictures.. I felt some tears fall down my face. That's when I felt a pair of arms around me. "I missed you.." I hear the person say, she sounds exactly like Y/n... I turn around and see Y/n hugging me. I instantly hug here, I start crying on her shoulder (I'm tired, let me be please) "I'm sorry," I sob "I'm so so so so so sorry for ever doing this to you... " "shhh, calm down, its ok, I forgive you.. " she kisses me and I kiss back.

~Y/n's POV~
I finally got to see John's face again after two months. I got to see his hazel/green eyes, his curly hair, his freckles, and his beautiful smile... After 2 fucking months.. I s him again...
I'm tired... That's I c say.. I I eve puty Detailor nor editor I'm to tired but I suffered to actually make a chapter.. So I hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry for the short chapter..

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