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Guess who has school today... Me... UGHHH I don't really know the time cuz I'm on an android and stuff so yea. _. ONTO THE STORY!!
~Y/n's POV~
After Peggy and I went back to our dorm, we both got into our PJ's and went to sleep at 7:27, cuz tomorrow's Monday, and we have classes... LE SIGHHHHHHHHH, (What did I just do XD) anyways, after classes, Peggy wanted to tell me something that's been on her mind.... Peggy and I went to sleep. I woke up to this: "WAKE UPPPPPP, WERE GONNA BE LATE FOR CLASSES!!" Peggy yelled, I swear if this girl does this one more time imma do this to HER... "Oh my gosh, PEGGY!" I groaned and said in a sleepy voice... Is that even a thing? Oh well, I looked at the time it was 6:35, "Peggy it's only 6:35, why do you want me to get up this earlllyyyyyyyy?" "WE HAVE TO-" I cut her off putting my finger up to her lips "Peggy, will you please stop yelling?!" I said in a whisper-yell... Thing.. Peggy just whispered and said "Oops, heh, sorry. It's just that, we have classes todayy, so we both need to get ready!" I nodded, and pushed her outta my room, and locked my door, cuz why the hell would she watch me change :/ I wore (whatever you want idc :/). After I got dressed, I walked out and I see Peggy all ready, and she has two pieces of bread with [a gud topping for bread]. Peggy
and I looked at our classes before we went to our classes... Peggy and I had 3 classes together! First period is math, third period is science, and fifth period is history, (idk how many classes R in college... Are there even classes... Who carez :/) YAY!

Peggy and I walked to our first class together, and guess who we see when we walk in..... ITS LAURENS, GR8! Peggy forced me to follow her, and she told me to sit next to Laurens, cuz.... Yea.. I sat next to Laurens and he didn't really notice me at first, cuz he was talkin' to someone next to him... But then he noticed me...

~Laurens' POV~
I was talking to Alex. Then he just pointed behind me and did a thumbs up, and talked to Laf sitting right next to him... I turned around, and saw the cutest thing ever... It was Y/n! She was staring at me while I was talking to Alex, kinda creepy but ok... I think she was daydreaming, because she didn't really notice me, so I just stared into her beautiful [eye color] eyes... but when the teacher started talking, we both snapped out of it. I thought I saw Y/n blushing when she realized she was looking at me. God, was she cute as fuck...

~Alexander's POV~ (WOW!)
John and I were talking when I saw Y/n sit right behind me, I knew that John liked Y/n, well, not liked, but I could see that John LOVES Y/n... So I just pointed right behind him, and just did a thumbs up and left him hangin'.... LIKE THE GOOD ASS FRIEND I AM (no sarcasm in that, I'm being serious -cough-) I turned to Lafayette who was sitting right next to me, and we started talking about how much John likes Y/n, and how whenever Laf or me gives her a hug, he gets super jealous, and when I mean super, I mean SUPERRR jealous.. Then the teacher started talking.

~Time skip to lunch brought to you by Jefferson stuffing his face with Mac & Cheese, and cuz I'm lazy~

~Y/n's POV~
FINALLLY, LUNCHHHHH, I was starving because Peggy and I only had bread for breakfast. I got my food and sat next to Peggy. I think she saw someone she knew, because she told them to come over here. It was Eliza and Angelica! "SO! Y/n, you like John?!" Angie said, kinda screaming. I blushed a bit and just nodded. Eliza and Angelica just said "OOOOOOOOOOOOO, SOMEONE HAS A CRU-USH!!" I covered their mouths, "SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH..! Be quiet, please!?" They nodded and I took my hands off their mouths. After that we just talked about random stuff, then we kinda forced Eliza to tell us her crush... Eliza just gave up and finally told us, "OK, OK.! I-I like Alexander..."

~Angelica's POV~ (ANOTHER "WOW!")
I was shocked at Eliza's response... I liked Alexander too.... But I didn't tell them, but I did kinda like Lafayette just a TINY bit... And by tiny I mean 25%? But I did still like Alex.... Alexander is a great man, and he'll be better with Eliza anyway..

~Another time skip to Peggy and Y/n's dorm cuz I'm super Lazyyyy~

~Y/n's POV~
FINALLY, classes were over! Peggy and I walked back to our dorm and we both sat on the couch, then I said, "Hey, Peggy, on second thought, um.. don't tell the guys on how I like John, ok?" Peggy looked up from her phone and said, "Oh... Um yea, about that, I just texted them saying that you lik-" Before Peggy could finish her sentence, Alex, Herc, and Laf bust through the door... "Y/N, YOU LIKE JOHN!?" Alex practically yelled, "WHY DIDN'T YOU EVER TELL US!?" Laf yelled too, I told them to shut up and told the guys to come in, and I explained to them why I didn't tell them. "And that is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you guys..." I kinda blushed. "PFFT! What! We would never tell John, Y/n!" Herc said with a smile across his face. "Yea, even though you just met us like 3 days ago, you can trust us with your secrets!" Laf said, then Alex said, "But! It's your job to tell John how you feel about him!" I looked at Alex and blushed a bit more, "But where should I tell him? When should I tell him?!" I said. "Don't worry, I know exactly when and where you should tell him..." Peggy said smiling a lot... I don't really know if I should trust her or not...
WORDZ DAMNNNNNN, AND ITS LIKE 1:18 AM AND MY PARENTS DONT KNOW IM EVEN AWAKE..! But SHHHHHHHHHHHHH, don't tell em'! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I know I didn't update cuz fuckin' hel- I mean skool is blocking the way! UGH! But I'm staying up just to make chapters just for u guys! SO BE GLAD!

Editor: 28NightWolf
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

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