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Hellooooooooo!!! I know it was only two days since I've written a chapter, but it feels like 1000 Years! I know most authors try- or they DO make a chapter everyday, and I try to do that, but.... Yesterday and today, and for the rest of the week I have state testing... I think that's what it's called... Or is it STAAR testing... ANYWAY who cares about that, yesterday and today have been ELA (English Language) And something else.. Idk, but tomorrow I have mathhhhh... I think I'm going to fail on that one cuzzzz.... Well I F*CKING HATE MATHHHHHHHHH!! Whoever made math I'm going to kill 'em.... Jk jk, but I hate math and I think everyone does too. (detailor: I LIKE MATH AND YOU KNOW THAT *GETS TRIGGERED*) Soooo... I will not be making a chapter till probably Friday or Saturday.... So I have your use to an author being gone forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a week....... And a half(?) so yaaaaaaa. K we'll see ya guys in a week!

(Detailor: I love Philip's face ouo ^ Also Great job for #169 book for Lauren also everyone that reads this book thank you for reading this I hope you guys enjoy this while every chapter I get triggered)

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(Detailor: I love Philip's face ouo ^ Also Great job for #169 book for Lauren also everyone that reads this book thank you for reading this I hope you guys enjoy this while every chapter I get triggered)

Author: ....... Um, what do you mean by "Good job for #169 book?" To be honest... I have no idea what she means XD

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