T W E N T Y - T W O

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Ok, so I got this idea from my deTAILOR (pls don't kill me..) and I'm gonna use this, idea just so she knows that I appreciate her giving me ideas XD
~Laurens' POV~
Me and Y/n watched TV when she asked me this random question "John, I want a child..." I gave her a strange look, "You.. You want a child...?" I asked. "Um.. Yea... Why?" She stared at me "You do realize we have to.. Do, that... Right?" I said. She looked at me with a 'I-know-what-we-have-to-do-to-get a-child' face "John, I already know what to do to get a child..." She said. I sighed and, "Ok then... When?" I asked."In a month!" She replied. I looked at her with a confused face, "Then why are you telling me this right now?" I asked "Just because, why not.." She repiled with a smile. I sighed and nodded giving her an 'Ok'

~One Month Later, Cuz Fucking Shit I'm Lazy As Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, And Because I Said I Was Going To Appreciate My DeTAILOR's (don't kill me) Idea~

~Y/n's POV~
I realized that it was a month later. I remembered that I wanted a kid. So I ran up to John and said, "You know what time it is..!" He look at me and said "Uhh, it's 7:46... Why?" I facepalmed and said, "I said I wanted a child in a month, last month. So this month, is when we make the BABY!" He looked at me with a face of confusion, then a face of realization. "Ohhhhh.... Yeah, I remember, but when do you want to do it?" John said. I though for a moment and said, "RIGHT NOW!" I took his shirt off and dragged him into the room. (detailor: don't ask what they're doing kids)

~One week later (I'm writing a letter nightly..) -cough-~

I took a pregnancy test... It said it was positive... So I'm going to have a child... IM GOING TO HAVE A FUCKING CHILD! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? I ran up to John and said "JOHN, WERE GOING TO HAVE A CHILD!" (This is where the idea comes in...) John looked at me with a smile on his face and he said, "That's awesome! Did you pick their father?" I looked at him with a 'What-the-heck-are-you-talking-about' face. I facepalmed and said stuttering, "John... it doesn't work like- you're the father, John.... it's you" He thought for a moment and the realization hit him, "Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh.... Yeah.... So that's how it worksssss....." I sighed and kissed him on the cheek. "This is why I love you..." I said with a smile. We both laughed, and we sat down on the couch, and watched TV.

Yay... I used your idea Poro... Be glad ok XD so my DeTAILOR is taking me Editor's job.. Because my Editor is working on a book... So is my deTAILOR, but she has time to add some detail and edit it... I give a fucking A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ now just give a round of applause *Everyone gives applause* thanks DeTAILOR!

Editor: 28NightWolf (XxKittyPoroxX )
DeTAILOR: XxKittyPoroxX

And no I'm never going to stop using that XD

Detailor: imma kill on Monday by screaming into your ear all day or you know i could just miss up the chapter and put random stuff on it and maybe have random space everywhere

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