Ch. 6 The reception

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Morning turns into the night. 

The guests left the ceremony and head to the reception where the party is being held. Bella's friend surrounds themselves by the wedding cake. Jessica stares at Bella and Edward with a curious expression. She stands next to Angela.

" I think Bella is pregnant" Jessica whispers to Angela.

" Jessica. Bella isn't pregnant" Angela shakes her head.

" Then why do they have a wedding?" Jessica asked her. " Did your father say anything to you as to why they wanted a wedding?" She looks at her. 

" Jessica. Stop asking questions. Bella and Edward are walking towards us" Angela tells her. 

Bella and Edward walked towards Angela, Jessica, Mike, Eric, and Tyler. 

" Hey, guys" Bella smiles at them.

Angela smiles at Bella.

" Bella. Your wedding dress is beautiful on you" She compliments Bella's wedding dress. 

Bella smiles at Angela.

" Thank you, Angela" She walks towards Angela and hugs her.

Angela hugs Bella back. 

Edward stared at Jessica and noticed that she is looking at Bella's stomach region. 

' Maybe, Bella isn't pregnant' She thought. ' Well, I still envy her for marrying the heartthrob of Forks High School' She sighs sadly. 

Edward chuckles as he turns to Mike, Eric, and Tyler.

" Hello, boys" He nods his head.

" Hey, Edward. Who are those hot babes talking to your folks?" Mike asked. 

Edward blinks.

He turns his head back and sees Carlisle and Esme talking to the Denali sisters, Tanya, Kate, and Irina. 

" Those three are my cousins" Edward tells them.

Mike, Eric, and Tyler wore the same surprised expression. They couldn't believe that the three beautiful women in the wedding reception are related to Edward. 

" And they are taken. Their husbands are working at the moment and couldn't make it to the wedding" Edward lied to them.

He also didn't want the boys to fall for them because they could easily break their human hearts. 

The guys nod their heads.

" Bella. We should continue greeting our guests" Edward turns to look at his wife.

Bella finished conversing with Angela. 

" Okay" She turns to her husband and smiles at him. " Well, I hope you all have fun at the party" She waves goodbye to them and follows Edward to greet more of their guests.

Bella finished greeting her guests and smiles when she sees Charlie conversing with Billy, Jacob, Sue, and Seth. She walks towards them with Edward following behind her. 

" Jacob" Bella calls out to Jacob. 

Jacob looks away from Charlie and smiles when he sees Bella. He chuckles when Bella attacks him with a hug. He tightly hugs Bella back. 

" Hey, you look beautiful" Jacob smiles at her. 

Bella smiles back at him.

" Thanks for coming to the wedding" She tells him.

" You know I came here to support you" Jacob tells her.

Bella nods her head.

" Jacob! Don't hog Bella all to yourself" Seth speaks up. " I want to hug her too" He tells him.

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