Ch. 16 Melody meeting the La Push Pack

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September 13, 2006


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[ Twilight_Hime10: I do not own this picture.]

Melody quickly felt comfortable in the Clearwater house. Seth, Leah, and Sue noticed that Melody grew during the night. Since Melody was born on September 11th, she should be three-days-old, but instead, she looks like a one-month-old baby. Curious about Melody's sudden growth, he called Edward and Edward explained to him that Renesmee looks like a one-month-old baby as well. Edward also told him that Carlisle suspected that the twins being half vampire is causing them to grow a little faster than human babies. Feeling reassured about what is going on, Seth hangs up the phone and explains what he was told to Leah and Sue. 

" I wonder how fast she is going to grow" Sue curiously tells her children. 

Seth was feeding a bottle of milk to Melody who happily accepts it. He remembered telling Edward that Melody accepts both animal's blood and milk. He also recalled Edward telling him that Renesmee only takes animal's blood and not milk.

" I don't know..." Seth whispers as he looks down at Melody. 

Melody looks up at Seth and smiles at him. 

Seth smiles back at her.

" Well. I should get going. I have to go to work. Are you two okay being alone with Melody?" Sue asked. " I can take the day off and help you two take care of Melody" She tells them.

Leah turns to look at Seth because Melody is Seth's responsibility. 

Seth looks at Sue.

" I'll be okay. I'm planning to go to Sam's place and let the guys meet Melody. I know what you are thinking" He sees Leah looking at him with a crazy expression. " Sam and the others are still my friends. They know that they can't harm Melody because she is my Imprintee. So, it is for the best that they get to know her" He smiles at Leah. 

Leah sighs.

" I'll go accompany them" She tells Sue.

Sue smiles at her children.

" Alright. Be careful you three and have fun. Leah take the van" She tells her.

" How are you going to work?" Leah asked Sue.

" I'm taking your father's truck" Sue tells her.

" Alright" Leah nods her head.

Sue waves goodbye to her children and Melody. She walks out of the house and into a brown truck.

Seth and Leah watched Sue drive the brown truck backward and then makes a right and drives off disappearing out of their eyesight. 

" Alright. Let's get going" Seth smiles. " Melody. You are going to meet my friends. Don't worry; I won't let them hurt you" He looks down at Melody.

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