Ch. 25 Befriending the Romanian Coven

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Seth has been accompanying Jacob to greet new wolf-shapeshifters. Since a lot of vampires has arrived in Forks, Washington. A lot of young Quileute men has shapeshifted into a wolf. Some joined Sam's pack while others joined Jacob's pack. Speaking of Sam's pack, Seth and Melody came to Sam's house the other day to see how the others are doing. While the guys and Imprintees distract Melody, Seth had a serious conversation with Sam about Melody and her sister being targeted by the Volturi.

Sam turns to look at Melody who is happily playing pattycake with Claire. 

His expression softens. 

Before Sam despises Melody because he saw her as a monster since he never met anyone like her, but after getting to know her, he could see that she is an innocent child that doesn't deserve to die because of how she came to be. 

" Seth" Sam turns to look at Seth. " My pack and I will become witnesses because we don't want Melody to die and she is your Imprintee. No matter what, you are a brother to me, and that makes her a part of my family" He tells her. 

" Thank you!" Seth happily tells him.

" We are only doing this for Melody" Sam looks at Seth in the eyes.

" What about Renesmee?" Seth curiously asked him.

" I know she is Jacob's Imprintee, but she feels more like one of them. On the other hand, Melody feels like a mix of both. Human and Vampire. Despite drinking animal's blood, she has feelings" Sam tells him.

Seth blinks. 

" Well, you should meet Renesmee first before judging her. She is Melody's sister after all" He whispers.

" Alright" Sam nods his head.

Seth smiles at him. 

He is happy that Sam and his pack are going to become witnesses for Melody and her sister. 

Morning of the next day. 

December 15, 2006


[ Twilight_Hime10: I do not own this picture

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[ Twilight_Hime10: I do not own this picture. Imagine that the little girl is Melody. ]

Melody is sitting on a wood stump next to Benjamin's mate Tia since Seth went with Jacob and their wolf pack to patrol for unwanted visitors. Melody is happily watching Benjamin do cool tricks that he used to do while being a street performer in his human life. Her chocolate brown eyes sparkle when she sees Benjamin blow fire out of his mouth to a couple of sticks. She smiles when she sees him juggle the burning sticks for a few minutes before blowing the flames out with air. 

" Benny! You are amazing!" Melody happily claps. 

Tia claps as well while looking at her mate with a loving expression. 

Benjamin looks at them with a big smile and bows. 

Melody looks away from Benjamin and sees Renesmee being entertained by a female vampire named Zafrina from the Amazon coven. She looks away from them and sees her Grandpa Charlie and her mother Bella training their Mental shields while Kate uses her father Edward as a training dummy.

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