Ch. 17 Meeting Mama for the first time

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September 14, 2006


Early in the morning, Seth gets a phone call from Edward who told him that Bella is awake and that Melody should meet her. Seth politely asked Edward if it is okay to keep Melody's crib and some of her stuff at his place and Edward responded with a yes. Seth hangs up the phone and quickly gets Melody and himself ready. Once they got themselves ready, Seth held Melody with his left arm while holding Melody's baby diaper bag with his right hand.

" Mom. Leah. Bella is awake, so I am taking Melody to the Cullen house" Seth tells them.

Leah finished eating her breakfast as she stands up. She lovingly kisses the top of Sue's head and waves goodbye to her as she runs out of the house to the van.

Sue waves goodbye to her children and Melody.

Seth opens the passenger door and carefully puts Melody in her baby car seat. He looks at her and smiles.

" Are you ready to meet Mama for the first time?" He asked her.

Melody coos as she claps her hands.

Seth closed the door and put the seatbelt around his waist. He watched Leah drove the van backward and then makes a left as she drives out of their property and head to the Cullen house.

An hour later.

Leah parks the van in front of the Cullen house. Seth gets out of the van and carefully carries Melody out of her baby car seat. He securely held her as he walks towards the house. He sees the door opened and smiled at Carlisle. 

Carlisle looks at his other granddaughter Melody and smiles at her. He noticed that Melody is starting to look like Bella while Renesmee is a mix between Bella and Edward. He lets Seth and Leah inside the house. He walks with them to the living room as they wait for Bella to return from her hunting trip with Edward.

Rosalie was holding Renesmee in her arms. Rosalie smiles when she sees Melody in Seth's arms. 

Melody and Renesmee looked at each other with a happy expression. Melody coos when Renesmee gently puts her right hand on Melody's left cheek. Melody giggles when she sees Renesmee's memories from the past three days. 

Seth smiles at the sisters. He hears footsteps walking towards the house. He looks away from the sisters and sees Jacob stepping out of the house to meet up with Bella and Edward. He watched Bella make a disgusting expression at Jacob when she smells him which caused him to laugh. He sees Jacob letting Bella and Edward into the house to meet the girls. 

Seth smiles when he sees Bella enter the house. He watched Rosalie pass Renesmee to Bella. He sees Renesmee putting her hand on Bella's cheek.

" What was that?" Bella asked looking at Renesmee with an awed expression.

" She is showing you the first memories she has of you" Edward tells Bella." How I hear thoughts. How Alice could see into the future. How Jasper could feel emotions. She is gifted" He smiles.

" Melody is also gifted!" Seth speaks up sounding like a proud big brother as he showed Edward what happened to Paul at Sam's house the other day.

Edward wears a surprised yet curious expression when he sees what happened. He then looks at Melody and smiles at her. He is curious about what kind of power Melody has. 

Bella continues to hold Renesmee. She smiled when she noticed that Renesmee looks like Edward, but has her chocolate brown eyes. She blinks when she sees that Renesmee is bigger and heavier since she last saw her.

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