Ch. 21 Snowball fight in the meadow

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Three months later. 

Melody and Renesmee are three-months-old, but the two sisters physically look like ten-years-old. Bella and Edward have been worried about their daughters' future because they don't know for how long they will live. The couple decided to spend as much time as they can with both girls because they don't want to miss anything important in their daughters' lives. While Bella and Edward happily raise the girls with the help of their loved ones. Carlisle and Charlie decided to hit the books and go online to see if they can find anything regarding half-vampire children because they want to know at least how long their granddaughters will be around. Sadly, they haven't found a reliable source and agreed to record about their experience with half-vampire children on a journal. 

December 11, 2006. 



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[ Twilight_Hime10: I do not own this picture. ]

Melody is running through the snowy forest with her red boots stomping on the snowing ground. She hears giggling from her right which causes her head to turn. She smiles when she sees her older twin sister, Renesmee running at the same speed as her. She turns her head back and laughs when she sees her mother, Bella running after them. She hears a soft growling coming from her left. She turns her head to the left and happily smiles when she sees a big yellowish sandy wolf running next to her. 

" Sethy!" Melody calls out to him.

Seth turns his head to the right and happily barks at her. He looks away from her and smiles when he sees a deer in the distant. 

" Called it!" Renesmee shouts. 

Jacob looks at Seth knowing he will try to get the deer for Melody. 

" No! It's going to be mine!" Melody shouts.

Bella watches them with an amused expression. She knows that the girls enjoy playing games while they hunt. She looks to the left seeing Seth running towards the deer because he is on the same team as Melody. She turns her head to the right and sees Jacob running after Seth because he is on the same team as Renesmee.

Melody looks up and smiles when an idea hits her head. She jumps high in the air as her red boots gracefully land on a tree branch.

Renesmee looks up at her younger twin sister.

" Not fair!" She shouts when she sees Melody jumping on a tree branch to tree branch with grace. " Mom! Tell, Mel that isn't allow on our game" She turns her head back to look at Bella. 

" Mama! Tell, Nessie that there are no rules" Melody giggles as she jumps down on the deer and pins it on the ground. " I got it!" She happily tells everyone.

Seth happily barks. 

Renesmee pouts but smiles at Melody. 

Bella walks up to Renesmee and stands next to her. She gently placed her left hand on Renesmee's long wavy Bronze hair which she inherited from Edward. 

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