Ch. 22 Our daughters are not immortal children!

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Inside the Cullen house, Charlie is sitting on a couch in the living room. He is watching a football game with Emmett and Jasper. He looks away from the TV and sighs. He hears footsteps walking towards him which causes him to look back. He blinks when he sees Carlisle entering the living room. 

" What's wrong, Charlie?" Carlisle looks at him with a worried expression. 

" I know it has been three months since I became a vampire, but it is weird that everyone in Forks thinks I'm dead" Charlie looks at him.

" I know, Charlie. It is hard but, one of your police officers found your wrecked police cruiser and drag marks on the ground. When they followed it, all they saw was paw prints that belonged to the wolf pack, and they quickly assume that animals ate you" Carlisle explains to him.

Charlie nods his head. 

" Is that why I stayed upstairs in the nursery room with the girls when one of my men came to the house to tell Bella that I was dead?" He asked him.

Carlisle nods his head.

" There will come a time when we have to leave Forks" He tells Charlie as he looks away from him when he sees Seth and Jacob in their wolf forms running out of the forest with Melody and Renesmee on their backs.

Melody gets off of Seth and runs towards the house with a scared expression. She sees the door opened revealing her aunt Bree and her boyfriend Embry standing behind her.

" Auntie Bree! Where's Papa?" Melody asked feeling scared.

Bree turns her head to the right seeing Edward running down the stairs with a worried expression.

" Melody. What's wrong?" Edward asked while picking Melody up into his arms. 

Renesmee runs towards Edward and Melody with a worried expression. She turns around seeing Jacob and Seth shapeshifting back into their human forms. 

Jacob and Seth walked towards Edward with a serious expression.

" Bella insisted that we have a family meeting" They told him.

Edward looked into Seth and Jacob's thoughts. He held Melody closed to him when he saw Irina's face looking at his daughters with disgust. He turns to look at his family who is looking at him with a confused yet worried expression. 

" Everyone. We are having a family meeting, right now" Edward speaks up.

Bella arrives at the house and sees Melody clinging to Edward while Renesmee stayed close to them. She entered the house and closed the door behind her. She walks with her family into the living room where everyone is waiting for them. 

Charlie looks at Bella with a worried expression.

" Bella. What is going on?" He asked her. " What made Melody scared?" He looks away from Bella to Melody who hid her face against Edward's neck. 

Seth stood close to Edward while looking at Melody with a worried expression. He blinks when he sees Melody's right hand reaching out to him. He carefully takes Melody's right hand and gently grasped it. He wanted Melody to know that he is by her side. 

Bella looks at Melody and Seth. Her expression softens. She is happy that Seth is comforting Melody. She looks away from them and turns to look at her family. She explained her confrontation with Irina to everyone.

Carlisle and Esme looked at each other with a worried expression.

" Carlisle. Do you think that Irina sees Renesmee and Melody as immortal children?" Esme asked him.

Bella looks at Esme with a confused expression.

" Immortal children?" She asked. 

Carlisle sighs as he looks at Bella and Edward.

" What they were thinking, those ancient ones, I can't begin to understand. They created vampires out of humans who were barely more than infants. They were very beautiful. So endearing, so enchanting, you can't imagine. You had but to be near them to love them; it was an automatic thing. However, they could not be taught. They were frozen at whatever level of development they'd achieved before being bitten. Adorable two-year-olds with dimples and lips that could destroy half a village in one of their tantrums. If they hungered, they fed, and no words of warning could restrain them. In the end, the practice was completely eliminated. The immortal children became unmentionable, a taboo. Creating immortal children has long been outlawed by the Volturi ever since" He explains to everyone in the room. 

Edward held Melody close to him.

Bella gently pulls Renesmee to her. 

Edward and Bella looked at each other with a worried expression. They then turned to look at Carlisle. 

" Our daughters are not immortal children!" They told him.

Carlisle nods his head.

" We know that, but they don't" He tells them. 

Charlie turns to look at Carlisle.

" Then can we just tell them that they are half-vampires?" He asked him.

Carlisle looks at Charlie.

" It's going to be complicated" He honestly tells them.

Alice looks at everyone with a worried expression. She froze when she gets a vision of Irina confronting the Volturi to report Renesmee and Melody's existence and that the Volturi, including the guard and the wives, are coming after the Cullens.

Edward looks at Alice and tightly holds Melody. 

Melody felt the tight grip on her and turns to look at Edward.

" P-Papa. I can't breath" She tells him.

Edward turns to look at Melody in the eyes. 

Golden eyes stared into big innocent brown eyes that reminded him of Bella. 

" I'm sorry, sweetheart" Edward loosens his grip on Melody. 

Melody nods her head.

" Edward. What did you see?" Bella asked him.

Edward looks at his wife and then at everyone.

He explains Alice's visions to everyone in the room.

Everyone wore a surprised expression when they heard the vision. 

" What are we going to do?" Rosalie asked. 

" I don't mind a fight" Emmett smirks.

" No, fighting" Carlisle tells them. " It's not going to end well. I suggest we gather our friends from all over the world to be witnesses for us. Our witnesses will meet the girls, and we can let Renesmee show them her memories of her and Melody being inside Bella's womb. So, that they will know that they are half-vampire" He looks at everyone. 

Edward nods his head. 

" That is a good idea. We should start getting witnesses, right now!" He tells them.

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