Ch. 14 Can I take Melody home?

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Morning turns into the afternoon.

Seth is cleaned, dressed, and has eaten breakfast and lunch. He walks out of his bedroom and enters the living room. He turns to Sue who is watching TV with Leah. 

" Mom. Leah. I am leaving. I am going to the Cullen house, and I want to ask Edward if it is okay to bring Melody here until Bella gets better" Seth tells them.

Leah stands up. 

" I'm going as well" She tells him. " I know Melody is your Imprintee which means that she is going to be my family, but I still don't trust you around the Cullen" She looks at him.

Seth nods his head.

Sue smiles at her children.

" Be careful, and Leah can you drive your brother to the Cullen house. You can use my van" Sue points to her car keys on the door. 

" Why the van?" Leah asked Sue.

Sue raised an eyebrow.

" You two are bringing back a baby. A baby is safer in a van than on a wolf's back, Leah" She tells her. " I thought you know better" She sighs.

Leah wears an embarrassed expression.

Seth laughs as he quickly grabs the car keys and throws it at Leah who caught it with ease.

" Bye, Mom. We'll be back soon" Seth waves goodbye to Sue as he runs out of the house and towards the van that is parked in front of his house.

 We'll be back soon" Seth waves goodbye to Sue as he runs out of the house and towards the van that is parked in front of his house

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Leah waves goodbye to Sue as she gets out of the house. She walks towards the van and sighs. She can't believe that she is going to drive a van. She opens the door and gets inside as she puts the seat belt around her waist. She closed the door and turned her head to the right and sees Seth comfortably sitting in the passenger seat.

" Seth. I know you are fifteen-years-old. You need to man up and start learning how to drive a car if you wish to hang out with Melody when she gets older" Leah tells him. 

" Don't worry, Leah. I will!" Seth smiles at her. " Now, let's go. I don't like being far away from Melody" He pouts.

Leah looks away from Seth as she turns on the van and drives backward. She turns the van to the left and drives forward as she heads to the Cullen house. 

An hour later. 

Leah parks the van in front of the Cullen house. Jacob and Embry were eating their lunches when they see Leah and Seth getting out of the van. Both men bit their lips wanting to laugh but didn't when Leah glares at them.

" Don't even think about it" Leah tells them. 

Seth walks up to the Cullen house and knocks on it. He smiles when he sees Esme opening the door with a crying Melody in her arms. He frowns when he sees his Imprintee in tears.

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