Ch. 30 The Confrontation part 2

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Melody stared at the fire with a saddened expression. She turned to look at Edward and asked him with a sad voice ' Why they killed Irina?' Edward looks at Melody with a saddened expression. He gently placed his hands on Melody's shoulders. 

" It's because she lied to them about you and your sister being immortal children" Edward explained to her. 

" They could have given her a second chance" Melody looks away from Edward to her grandpa Charlie who is comforting his mate, Tanya. " Because of Renesmee and I. Tanya lost a sister" She whispers.

" Melody. It's not you, and your sister's fault" Edward lightly grasped Melody's shoulders. 

Melody looks up at Edward.

" And I agree with you. They should have given her a second chance" Edward tells her.

Melody nods her head. 

Caius turns to look at the twins.

" Aro. How do we know if they are not dangerous to us in the future?" He asked his brother. 

Aro looks at Caius and then at the girls.

" You are right. I think it is for the best to kill them" He tells his brothers.  

Edward lets go of Melody and quickly puts her on Seth's back. Bella noticed and did the same for Renesmee and put her on Jacob's back. 

" Papa?" Melody looks down at Edward with a confused expression. 

" Just a precautious, sweetheart" Edward tells Melody. 

Rosalie quickly gives the girls' backpacks to Edward and Bella. Edward takes Melody's backpack and puts it on her. Bella did the same for Renesmee.

Melody wore the backpack and looked at the Volturi with an angry expression. She is mad that they are trying to break her family apart.

Jane noticed the angry stare that Melody is giving to the Kings. She smirks as she stares at Melody in hopes of making the little girl suffer in pain.

Melody turns to look at Jane.

Angry chocolate brown eyes stared into serious blood red eyes.

Jane angrily hissed because she can't give Melody pain just like Bella. She turns to look at Renesmee and smirks.

Melody noticed where Jane is looking. She turns to look at Renesmee and intently stared at her twin sister. She grew her mental shield which protected Renesmee from Jane's angry stare. 

Jane angrily screamed because she can't give Renesmee any pain as well. Her scream grabbed the three brothers attention.

" What's wrong?" Aro asked her.

" I can't give them pain. It's like those brats are the same with their so-called mother" Jane tells Aro.

Aro hummed when he heard that. He turned to look at the girls and noticed that Melody is intently staring at Renesmee. He smirks thinking that it is Melody who is protecting Renesmee from Jane's gift. He wears a thoughtful expression and smiles. 

" Carlisle" Aro speaks up.

Carlisle looks at Aro.

" I will let everyone live if you give me that little girl" Aro points at Melody. " I want her to join the Volturi" He tells them.

Melody turns to look at Aro.

" What are you talking about?" Caius asked. 

" I see potential in her. With proper training, she could be useful to the Volturi" Aro tells her.

" It seems as though. She is close to the mind reader. Their relationship bond is quite strong for a parent and child" Marcus speaks up. 

Edward angrily stares at the three Kings. He is not going to let them take his Melody.

" Who knew the Volturi would go so low as to force a child to join them? It lets me know that the Volturi has gone weak" A male voice speaks up.

Aro, Caius, and Marcus turned seeing their number one enemy, the Romanian Coven. 

" Vladimir. Stefan. I am surprised to see you two" Aro speaks up. 

Vladimir wears an annoyed expression while Stefan glares at them with hatred. 

" I'm sorry, Aro" Carlisle speaks up. " I'm not letting you have my granddaughter" He tells her. 

" That is too bad. I might as well take her by force" Aro smirks. " Everyone, attack!" He orders.

Edward turns to look at Seth. 

" Seth! Run! Take Melody to safety!" He shouts at him.

Seth nods his head as he turns around.

" Papa!" Melody shouts.

" I love you, baby girl" Edward smiles at her.

Melody cries as Seth begins to run. 

" Jacob. Follow Seth and take Renesmee to safety" Bella looks at Jacob with a serious expression. 

Jacob nods as he turns around and follows Seth. Renesmee looks back at her parents with a scared expression.

" We will see each other again" Bella reassures her. " Just take care of Melody for us" She tells her.

Renesmee nods her head. She looks away and clings tightly to Jacob. She hides her face against her fur feeling scared about her family's safety. 

Melody continues to look at her family. She sees Edward and Bella turning around and running towards the Volturi.

" Papa...Mama..." She whispers as they disappear out of her eyesight since Seth enter through the forest. 

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