Ch. 10 I'm not going to let you kill them!

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Embry and Bree arrived at the Cullen house from their daily animal hunting trip. Ever since Embry imprinted on Bree, he has been accompanying her on her daily animal hunting because she wants to become a vegetarian and drink animal's blood. Embry and Bree enter the house. Embry stops walking when he hears footsteps running towards them. He stands in front of Bree and sees Jacob angrily running out of the house with Edward following behind them. He and Bree looked at each other with a confused expression. He looks away from Bree when he hears footsteps running towards them. He blinks when he sees Seth.

" Seth? What is going on?" Embry asked him.

Seth stopped running and looks at Embry with a worried expression. 

" Bella is pregnant" He tells him.

" I know already. Bree told me about it a week ago. I'm happy for her and Edward" Embry smiles.

" Jacob didn't take it well. So, he is planning to kill Edward. Embry, you are his best friend. You have to help me!" Seth looks at Embry with a scared expression. " Edward is a nice guy, and he is my friend. I don't want Jacob to kill him. And, besides, I promise Bella that I will protect Edward. I didn't like seeing Bella in pain..." He whispers.

Embry nods his head.

He turns to look at Bree.

" I'll be back" He tells her.

" Be careful" Bree tightly hugs Embry and kisses him on the lips. 

" I'll be careful" Embry kisses Bree back.

Seth smiles at them.

He can't wait to find his Imprintee and shower her with love and affection. 

" Come on!" Seth gently pats Embry's back and runs out of the house and into the forest.

Embry pulls back and blows another kiss at Bree. He looks away and follows Seth into the forest. 

In a few minutes, the two wolf-shapeshifter found Jacob and Embry staring at each other.

" Edward. If she dies, I am going to kill you" Jacob angrily growls.

Seth looks at them with a worried expression.

" Jacob! Stop threatening Edward. He is my friend, so that means I will protect him with my life." He stands between Edward and Jacob and looks at him with a serious expression. 

" I agree with him. Edward is Bree's brother, and that means he is my family!" Embry shouts and looks at his best friend in the eyes. 

At first, Jacob ignored Seth wanting to protect Edward because he was only a kid but now he couldn't believe that his own best friend is defending Edward.  

Jacob angrily shakes as he shapeshifts into his wolf form and runs away from the three guys.

" Jacob!" Seth and Embry shout watching Jacob run away.

Edward stayed quiet as he listens to Jacob's thoughts. 

' She can't get pregnant! She just can't! The monster inside her is going to kill her!' Jacob thought. 

Edward's expression saddens feeling guilty about impregnating Bella. He wished that Jacob killed him before Seth and Embry came to stop him. 

Seth turns to look at Edward.

" Hey!" He angrily shouts. 

Embry and Edward looked at Seth with a surprised expression. They rarely see the young man with an angry face.

" I know what you are thinking, and I don't like it! Don't beat yourself up about impregnating Bella. Consider yourself lucky that she wants to carry your child. I want you to go back to the house because Bella is worried sick about you!" Seth tells him as he begins to calm down. " Embry and I will deal with Jacob" He smiles at him.

Edward nods his head.

He turns around and runs back to the Cullen house leaving the two wolf-shapeshifters alone.

Seth and Embry looked at each other and nod. They shapeshifted into their wolf forms as they followed Jacob. They growled when they hear everyone's thoughts about killing Bella and the child. Something inside Seth caused him to run faster than Embry as he meets up with the others by the river. He arrives at the river and sees Sam ordering his pack to kill Bella and the baby inside her because they don't want to risk the baby killing anyone.

' Sam!' Seth angrily shouts which grabbed everyone's attention. ' I'm not going to let you kill them' He runs towards Sam and looks up at him in the eyes. 

Sam angrily growls.

' If we don't kill it. It will kill all of us!' He shouts at him.

' It's a baby, Sam!' Seth shouts back at him.

' Seth! Sam is right. We have to kill that fucking monster' Leah speaks up. 

Seth turns to Leah and angrily attacks her which surprised everyone in the pack since he isn't the type to hurt anyone and especially his own sister. 

' Seth! What are you doing?' Leah shouts at him.

' Take back your words!' Seth shouts at her.

' I'm only stating the truth. What would you do if it kills Mom!?' Leah asked him.

Seth loves his mother with all of his heart, but the idea of Bella and her baby getting kill makes him mad. 

' Sam!' Jacob speaks up grabbing everyone's attention. ' I have decided that I'm not going to kill Bella and her baby' He looks at Sam in the eyes. ' Because of that. I shall take my right as a descendant of the true Alpha and become an Alpha as well!' Jacob stood up straight and looks down at Sam with an angry expression. 

Seth can't help but feel happy that Jacob has decided to become an Alpha. He moves away from Leah and steps forward.

' Since Jacob is an Alpha, now. I have decided to join his pack' He speaks up.

' Me too!' Embry shouts because Bella is Bree's sister and that makes her a part of his family. 

Sam couldn't believe what he is hearing. He watched Jacob, Seth, and Embry run away from them. What shocked him is that he can't hear the three wolves thoughts as he used too. That let him know that the three wolves have left the pack and made themselves a three wolf pack. 

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