Ch. 12 She's my Imprintee!

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Two days later.

September 11, 2006.


Bella comfortably lays on the couch while listening to Edward play on the piano. A smile graced her lips when she feels her baby gently kicking her. She has been noticing that one kicks harder than the other. At first, she thought that the one who is gently kicking her was Renesmee, but Edward told her that Renesmee apologizes whenever she kicks her in a hard manner. So, she quickly figured out that the one who is gently kicking her is Melody.

Bella smiles as she gently rubs her pregnant belly. She turns to look at Edward. 

" It seems as though Melody enjoys when you play the piano, Edward" She tells him. 

Edward stops playing as he turns around to look at Bella.

" That's good. It lets me know that she is going to be a music lover like me" He smiles at her.

Bella softly laughs. 

A door opening and closing grabbed the couple's attention. Bella turns her head back and smiles when she sees Seth entering the living room.

" Hey, Seth" Bella happily greets him.

" Hey, Bella!" Seth smiles at her. " Hi, Edward" He turns to look at Edward and smiles at him.

" Hello, Seth" Edward nods his head.

Seth looks away from Edward to Bella. 

" Are they coming out, yet?" He asked feeling a bit impatient because he wants to see the babies. 

Bella blinks.

Edward laughs finding Seth being impatient rather adorable.

" No, not yet but I feel like they want to come out soon" Bella tells him. " All I want to do right now is eat because I am hungry" She turns to look at Edward.

Edward nods his head.

" I'll be right back" He tells them.

Bella nods her head. 

Edward stands up and walks out of the living room to the kitchen to make Bella something to eat. 

Seth watched Edward leave and suddenly becomes shy around Bella since he is alone with her. He turns to look at Bella who is smiling at him.

" Seth. How are Jacob and the others doing?" Bella asked him.

" Jacob and Leah are accompanying the Doc and Esme with their hunting because they are hungry and we want the Doc to come home soon, so he can help you deliver the babies. Embry, on the other hand, is outside of the house with Bree and the other Cullens" Seth tells her. 

Bella nods her head.

She lightly bites her lips when she begins to have urges to go to the bathroom.

" Seth" She calls out to him. 

" Yes, Bella?" Seth looks at her.

" I...I have to go to the bathroom" Bella turns her body slightly and puts her feet on the floor. She slowly stands up and loudly gasped when she feels a hard kick which caused her rib cage to break, and she begins to fall.

" Bella!" Seth screams as he quickly catches Bella before she falls to the ground. He begins to panic when he sees blood coming out between her legs. " E-Edward!" He lifts his head up and screams. " I-It's Bella!" He begins to cry feeling worried for Bella and the babies' lives. 

In seconds, Edward appears in the living room.

" What happened?" He asked Seth as he carefully takes Bella into his arms. 

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