Ch. 5 Bella and Edward's wedding

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Two months later. 

August 13, 2006. 


It's finally the day.

Bella Swan and Edward Cullen are getting married. Alice has gone over the top for the wedding and transforms the Cullen house to a fairy-tale theme wedding. The guests have arrived, and Edward stood by the altar with Mr. Weber as they wait for the bride to be. 

The bride to be is upstairs in a room with the girls helping her get ready. Bella looks at herself in the mirror and is amazed by Alice's makeup skills and Rosalie's hairstyling skills. For a second, Bella couldn't recognize herself. She turns to the girls and smiles at them. She hears footsteps entering the room which caused her to look away from the girls. She looks forward and smiles when she sees Renee and Charlie together.

" Mom. Dad" Bella calls out to them.

Renee and Charlie walked towards Bella. They stood in front of her and smiled. 

" Oh. Bella. Look at you. You are so beautiful" Renee tears up. " Doesn't she look beautiful, Charlie?" She asked him.

Charlie looks at Bella and smiles at her.

" Indeed. I still can't believe that I am walking my baby girl to the altar today" He tells her.

Bella blushes.

" Bella. We have something for you" Renee tells her.

" Mom. You didn't have to give me anything" Bella wears an embarrassed expression.

" It's very important" Renee tells her. " You could say it is a family heirloom" She turns to look at Charlie.

Charlie pulled out a navy blue box from behind and held it to Renee. He watched Renee opened the navy blue box which revealed a beautiful hairpin. 

Renne turned to Bella and held the hairpin to her. 

" It belonged to your grandmother. Charlie's mother. Since she didn't have a daughter, she gave it to me. She then tells me that I can give it to my daughter when she gets married" She looks at Bella with a loving expression.

" Mom. Dad" Bella whispers.

Alice smiles at the family. 

" I can take that" She takes the hairpin and carefully places it on Bella's hair. " Perfect" She smiles. " What do you think? Mom and Dad?" She asked them.

Charlie and Renee looked at Bella with a loving expression.

Charlie and Renee looked at Bella with a loving expression

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" It looks perfect" They smiled at Bella.

Bella smiles back. 

" Well. We should get going" Rosalie speaks up. " The bride and her father have to walk down the aisle to the altar" She smiles at them.

Everyone nods their heads.

Charlie escorts Bella out of the bedroom. He carefully walks down the stairs with her while the girls made sure that the wedding dress doesn't get tangled. He stood by the door with Bella and sees everyone waiting for them.

 He stood by the door with Bella and sees everyone waiting for them

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" You ready?" Charlie asked Bella.

Bella sees Edward from a distance and smiles.

" I'm ready" She tells him. 

Charlie and Bella walked out of the house and towards the beginning of the aisle as everyone begins to stand up when they see them. 

Music begins to play in the background

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Music begins to play in the background.

Bella looks at Edward who smiled at her. She smiles feeling happy to get married to the man that she loves with all of her life. She walks with Charlie down the aisle to Edward who is waiting for them. She finally reached Edward as she turns to look at Charlie.

 She finally reached Edward as she turns to look at Charlie

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Charlie looks at Bella and then at Edward. 

" You better take good care of my little girl" He tells Edward as he hands Bella to him.

Edward takes Bella and smiles at Charlie.

" I will for the rest of my life" He tells him.

Charlie nods his head as he goes to sit with Renee and Phil at the bride's side.

Mr. Weber coughed a little which causes Bella and Edward to look at him. He begins the ceremony as the couple tells their vows. He tells the couple that they are now husband and wife and that they can kiss.

 He tells the couple that they are now husband and wife and that they can kiss

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Once the couple kiss, everyone applauded and cheered for the newlyweds. Bella and Edward looked at each other and smiles. They can't believe that they are now husband and wife and that they are going to be together for a very long time.

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