Ch. 8 What's wrong?

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Hime_chan10: Just letting all of my readers know that this story will somewhat follow the movie.


Two weeks later

August 31, 2006.


Bella Cullen wakes up from her slumber. She gets out of the bed and stretches. She looks at her surroundings and notices a sticky note on the nightstand. She walks towards the nightstand and picks up the sticky note.

Dear, Bella Cullen.

I left Isle Esme and headed to Rio de Janerio to get some groceries. I didn't want to wake you up because you look so beautiful when you slept. These two weeks have been so amazing especially when we made love. 

I love you so much. 


Your Husband. 

Bella smiles at the sticky note.

Her stomach growls which let her know that she is hungry. She gets out of the bedroom and walks towards the kitchen to make herself something to eat. She opens the fridge and frowns when she doesn't find anything to eat. She hears footsteps and turns her head to the right seeing Edward entering the kitchen.

" Hey, you are awake" Edward looks at Bella and smiles at her.

" Yeah. I got hungry" Bella tells him.

" Don't worry. I'll go make you something to eat" Edward tells her. 

Bella nods her head as she walks to the dining table and sits down. She looks forward and smiles at Edward who started to make breakfast for her. 

Twenty minutes later.

Edward finished making breakfast for Bella. He grabs the plate and walks towards the dining table. He gently placed the plate in front of Bella.

" I hope you like it" Edward smiles at her. 

Bella looks at her food and smiles. She grabs a fork and begins to eat her breakfast. She ate her food for a while until something inside her stomach started to make her feel sick. She quickly puts her right hand on her mouth as she stands up.

" I'll be back" Bella mumbles as she runs off to the bathroom.

Edward watched Bella leave with a confused expression. He turns to look at the food and wonders if it tasted terrible. He decided to check up on Bella when he heard her puke and then the toilet flush. 

" Bella?" Edward calls out to her. " Are you okay?" He stands by the bathroom's door. 

Bella turns to look at Edward with a thoughtful expression. 

" Edward..." She lightly bites her lips.

Edward frowns hearing her worried voice.

" What's wrong?" He asked her.

" No. It can't be" Bella walks past Edward and runs towards their bedroom. " I can't be late..." She mumbled.

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