Ch. 9 You're Pregnant!

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A week later.

September 7, 2006. 


Seth Clearwater decided to accompany his mother Sue Clearwater to the Black residence. He carried a tray of food that Sue made for Billy and Jacob. He walks towards the house and sees Sue politely knock on the door. He hears footsteps walking towards the door. He looks forward and smiles when he sees Bella's father, Charlie Swan opening the door. 

" Hey, Chief!" Seth happily greets him.

" Hey, kiddo" Charlie smiles at Seth. " Hello, Sue" He nods his head when he sees Sue standing next to Seth. " Billy and Jacob are inside waiting for you two" He tells them. 

Seth and Sue enter the house. They happily greet Billy and Jacob who are watching TV. Seth walks to the dining table and puts the tray of food down. He turns around and walks back to the living room as he sits on the couch next to Jacob.

" Hey, Jacob. Heard from Bella and Edward, yet?" Seth curiously asked him.

Jacob shakes his head.

" No. He probably changed her to a vampire right about now" He mumbles. 

Charlie walks up to the boys. 

" What are you two boys talking about?" He puts his hands on both of their shoulders.

Seth and Jacob tensed up. 

" Hahaha" Seth nervously laughed. " I was asking Jacob if he heard from Bella" He looks up at Charlie.

Charlie blinks. 

" Bella called me yesterday. She told me that she got sick with a bug" He tells the boys.

Seth and Jacob looked at each other.

" I'm going out" Jacob stands up.

" I'll go with him" Seth stands up as well. 

Charlie blinks when he sees both boys leave the house. He turns to look at Billy and Sue with a confused expression. 

Billy and Sue looked at each other with a knowing stare. They turned to look at Charlie.

" The boys probably want to do their own things than hang out with us cool adults" Billy chuckles.

Sue giggles.

Charlie laughs a little and smiles at them. 

Seth follows Jacob out of the house.

" Jacob. Please don't tell me that you are planning to visit the Cullens" He looks at his friend with a worried expression.

" I'm sorry, Seth, but I am going to visit the Cullens. I just want to make sure if he transformed her into a vampire or not" Jacob gets on his motorcycle. 

Seth looks at Jacob with a worried expression. He is worried about Edward's life because he likes Edward and considers him a dear friend.

" Well. I'm going with you!" He gets behind Jacob and stares at him. 

" Seth" Jacob mumbles. " You don't have to come with me" He tells him. " You know how Leah gets when you go to the Cullen house" He turns his head back to look at him.

" Leah is not here, and besides I turned 15-years-old this year in January. I am practically a teenager, and she can't tell me what to do" Seth smiles at him.

" Alright. If you say so" Jacob looks away from Seth and turns his motorcycle on as he drives away from his house and heads towards the Cullen house. 

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