16.] No Comment: Cole

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Cole's response to a question about his relationship with you

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Cole's response to a question about his relationship with you

"Who has a question for one of these amazing actors?!" The interviewer yelled into the mic and hundreds, if not thousands, of teens yelled.

They went through the crowd, picking a few. There were the simple "What is it like playing _____ on the show?"  type questions. Then there were the "Is Falice going to happen?" type questions.

The questions all ranged, none were exactly the same. Lili leaned over toward Cole as Skeet was answering a question. "They haven't asked about you and Y/N yet. I figured with all the buzz going on someone would ask," Lili whispered.

"Buzz? What buzz?" Cole asked, generally confused. "Do you not get on twitter or Instagram? Dude come on!" Lili said smiling like he was playing a joke on her.

Cole's face still remained confused, and Lili sighed. "What buzz?" He asked again. Lili opened her mouth to speak when the interviewer spoke.

"This girl has a question for Cole!"

A girl with a red shirt on stood up, a huge smile was on her face. Someone handed her a mic before speaking.

"Ok so Cole. Everyone here loves you and Y/N, like you guys are relationship goals. So we gotta know. Are you engaged?"

Cole coughed.  "What?"

"There's a photo going around of Y/N walking out at a park in LA last week with what looks to be an engagement ring. The fans, and myself, are going crazy. Are you two engaged?" The girl explained.

"That buzz," Lili coughed before turning the other way. "Yeah dude! Are you or not?!" KJ yelled.

Cole sent him a glare. How was he supposed to answer? He knew that you didn't want your engagement to be thrown on every magazine.

He had proposed to you about 2 months earlier. It was kind of random. You two had been together for about 3 years and he knew you were the one. He knew it the moment he met you.

You of course said yes and now here we are. Cole thought everything through. He proposed to you at your shared apartment, no paparazzi or fans would be there to ruin that moment.

Neither one of you had posted about it, nor had you told anyone but your parents. Dylan didn't even know, that's how secret it was.

"Cole?" Lili said smacking his arm lightly. "What? Huh?" He said pulling himself out of his trance. He can still see the look on your face when you walked into your shared bedroom to see rose petals scattered on the bed and on the floor. Cole was kneeling down, the ring box had been open in his hand.

"You were asked a question," Casey replied, he himself was curious. "Can you repeat it please? I'm really tired, Y/N and I stayed up way too long last night talking about-" and he stopped himself before he let the words "wedding plans" slip.

"About what?" Skeet asked with a smirk. "About our next vacation in London," he replied quickly.

"Are you and Y/N engaged?" The girl asked again.

Cole panicked a little before thinking of a way to answer it.

He lifted his mic that was attached to his chest closer to his lips, preparing to answer. KJ was about to fall out of his chair, he was desperate to know.

Lili turned to face Cole, a goofy grin on her face. Skeet was making kissy faces and Casey was glaring at Cole.

Cole let the next two words slip, praying that you wouldn't kill him. He spoke the two words, a smirk playing on his lips after.

The second he was finished, KJ fell out of his chair.

"No comment."

The fans went silent and so did the cast. Well until KJ shouted.


Cole laughed and pulled the mic up to his lips again and then smirked once again.

"No comment."

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