22.] All For You: Cole

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Y/N has cystic fibrosis and has been in the hospital due to an infection

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Y/N has cystic fibrosis and has been in the hospital due to an infection. When she gets out, she visits Cole on set of his new movie

* A/N: Please note that I hardly understand the medical world so there is a chance there will be inaccurate things. I apologize in advance*

"Where the hell are you taking me?" Y/N asked her best friend, BF/N as they climbed into the car outside the hospital.

"You, darling, are off on an adventure and I am the chauffeur," BF/N replied as s/he turned on the car. Y/N rolled her eyes as she fixed her oxygen tubes that were placed delicately on her face.

"Been in that damn place for 3 weeks and my own boyfriend couldn't come get me," Y/N mumbled as she watched the hospital begin to fade from view.

Y/N has been dating Cole Sprouse for approximately two years and even with the cystic fibrosis, he loves her endlessly each day.

BF/N glanced at Y/N before sighing quietly. S/he promised Cole that s/he would keep the surprise quiet.

The two drove for about an hour, dancing and singing to the songs that came on the radio. Y/N and Cole's apartment is about an hour and 20 minutes from the hospital because it's closer to the studios Cole needs for his job.

"Is Cole home?" Y/N asked as she reached out to turn the station, her least favorite artist was playing on the current one.

"I don't know. Maybe," BF/N said as they came to a stop and s/he flicked on the turn signal.

"If we go left, we head to the studio. Why are we going there?" Y/N asked as she adjusted in her seat.

"Would you just enjoy the ride? You've been sick for weeks, just embrace the ability to not be stuck there right now," BF/N spoke as the turn light went green.

Y/N froze, her best friend was right. She's been fighting a damn lung infection for weeks and now it's clear, right now, and she should be enjoying it. She's like it better if Cole was here.

"I'm sorry," Y/N mumbled as she leaned her head against the window. BF/N glanced at Y/N and smiled softly before looking back at the road.

"I love you girl. You know that. I just wish you'd live for today and not focus on everything that's making you sick. I know you can't forget it completely but it shouldn't control you."

"If only I had been born without this damn disease," Y/N muttered and BF/N sighed.

"Stop ok? We love you the way you are. Thais disease makes you who you are and Cole and I love you for it ok? Now please, just smile," BF/N said as the studio came into view.

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