29.] Find One: Cody

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Cody after you both are caught making out

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Cody after you both are caught making out

"It's open!"

The door to my suite opened and closed swiftly. I continued to work on the essay we were assigned to have finished by Friday.

It's Thursday.

And I just started.

I felt hands rest on my shoulders, massaging them lightly which caused me to stop typing on the laptop.

"Hey baby," I heard and smiled as I recognized the voice of my boyfriend.

"Hey," I said back, looking up quickly to see his blonde hair.

"What do you say about us going to dinner tonight at about 7 when I get off shift at the towel station? Zack and Woody found this restaurant that they swear had the most amazing food," Cody said and I sighed.

My laptop said 3:30 and I knew this essay would take at least 2 hours or more since I have no idea what this paper is about.

"I can't tonight. I have to finish this essay. I put it off because of having to help out at the juice bar since Zack took off all week," I said, slightly irritated with Zack.

"But baby, we haven't had a date since we were docked in Ireland, last month!" Cody whined as he continued to massage my shoulders.

"I'm sorry honey. Rain check?" I asked and leaned my head back, hitting his stomach lightly, so I could look at his face.

"Y/N, please," he whined and I sighed.

"I can't Cody," I said and shrugged his hands off my shoulders, going back to typing.

"Fine. But I'm gonna stay here until you're done!" He stated and I heard him plop down on my bed.

I shook my head with a chuckle, "Do what you please baby."

I continued to type, writing about some war that I don't remember even learning about. I tend to tune the lessons out as I'm too busy not caring.

And before you ask, I'm not sure why Cody and I are so good together seeing as I'm so much like Zack. But I love Cody and he makes me feel like a princess.

All that was heard in the room was the clicking of the keyboard and the soft waves hitting the boat as I had my window open.

"Can't you take a break tiny break to hang with me until I start my shift?" Cody said suddenly and I glanced down to see how many pages I had written.

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