17.] I Found My Happily Ever After: Jughead

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FP's reaction to the news Jughead just shared about his relationship with Y/N

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FP's reaction to the news Jughead just shared about his relationship with Y/N

"Dad!" Jughead said as he ran up to FP, who was outside the trailer, after a his date with Y/N.

"Jug? What's wrong?" FP asked as he saw he son come running to him as he was sat by a fire on the calm evening.

"I did it Dad. I did it!" Jughead said with a large smile on his face as he came to a halt in front of his dad who held a look of confusion.

"You did what Jug? You gotta explain here. My brain doesn't work like yours," FP said as he sat up straighter.

"You know I've been with Y/N for like 5 years now right?" "Everyone in Riverdale knows you two have been together for 5 years. Ever since sophomore year. Why? Did you dump her?!" FP said suddenly feeling nervous.

Y/N is a daughter to him and if his son hurt that girl, oh god Jughead would be sleeping with one eye open.

"God no Dad. I love Y/N. Anyway you know how you gave me Grandma Jones's engagement ring when I turned 18?"

"Speed this up Jug. I'm old," FP said, the nerves beginning to hit him harder. Jughead took in a deep breath and his smile grew even bigger.

"I proposed to Y/N tonight. She said yes. Dad, I'm getting married!" Jughead said and anyone who was watching this scene could see the love radiating off of Jughead.

FP sat stunned for a second; he couldn't believe it. His son was engaged to be wed. When it hit him a few seconds later, all FP felt was joy.

He jumped to his feet, his smile almost as big as Jughead's. He grabbed his son's hand and pulled him forward, hugging him.

"Congrats Jug. I'm so happy for you and I'm so excited to have Y/N as my daughter-in-law," FP said as the two broke from the hug.

Jughead smiled even bigger, FP swears if he does smile any bigger he'll break his face. FP, hell the whole town, knew that these two kids were meant to be and it made his heart full to know that they are going to be together in life.

FP patted his son's shoulder and went to fetch another fold out chair. As he was walking away Jughead mumbled happily to himself.

"I found my happily ever after."

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