18.] She Left Me: Cole

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Cole as he watched you storm away after you ended the relationship

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Cole as he watched you storm away after you ended the relationship

Y/N was pacing back and forth in front of the water, biting her lip and fighting back tears. She was waiting for her boyfriend and she knew it was the last time she'd call him that.

She could see the scene perfectly in her head, the memory was burned there and when she blinked, she would see it replaying and replaying.

[4 hours earlier]

"KJ! Have you seen Cole anywhere?" Y/N asked as she walked onto the Riverdale set and she spotted her favorite red-haired New Zealand Boy.

"Yea. He's in his trailer with Lili and Skeet I think. They were running through some lines for a scene," KJ answered as Y/N was standing in front of him.

"Thanks KJ. See you later?" She asked as she patted his cheek and he laughed. "Always!" He said and she laughed with a smile before jogging to Cole's trailer.

She knocked, but got no response. Odd. She knocked again and heard a noise. She shrugged before slowly pushing the door open.

What was happening before her made her slap her hand over her mouth, hot tears falling quickly.

Her boyfriend of 3 years, was laying on the couch, with his co-star straddling him and their lips were locked.

Y/N quickly shut the door and ran off, running into Skeet. "Y/N? What's wrong?" He asked and she shook her head before pushing away.

"Y/N?!" She heard KJ and Skeet call but she kept running. She ran to her car, started it and drove to her happy place. The coast.

Within an hour she had texted Cole to meet her there.

Now the poor girl is waiting. Suddenly she heard him and her heart froze. "Y/N! Baby! What's going on?" He called as she turned and saw him running toward her.

"Cole," she said as he suddenly was in front of her, grabbing her shoulders. "Skeet and KJ said you ran off set crying. What happened baby?" He asked and she saw fear and confusion in Cole's eyes.

"You cheated on me," she said softly before looking back at the ground. "What?" He choked.

"You cheated on me Cole. With Lili. I saw you two making out. I-I...what did I do Cole?" Y/N sobbed out and ripped away from his grip.

"She kissed me! I had no control of it! Baby, I love you," Cole begged. "You looked pretty happy and like you were enjoying it Cole! Don't lie to me damn it!" Y/N yelled.

"I love you," Cole said as he watched his beautiful girlfriend pace, biting her lip harshly.

"No. No you don't. You cheated Cole! Have these three years been hell for you?! What did I do?!" Y/N yelled and the tears were falling down her cheeks faster.

"I don't know what came over me. Baby, please, calm down and we will figure it out. It was a one time thing. Y/N/N, Baby," Cole said and Y/N shook her head putting her hands up to keep him away.

"We can't get past this Cole. I can't get past this. I can't be with you. All I see is you a-an-and her k-k-kiss-kissing," Y/N sobbed out and began to walk away.

"Y/N! Don't do this baby. Please! I need you! I love you!" Cole yelled and jogged after her. "Stop Cole. I'm sorry. I hope you and Lili h-have a great life. I will a-always love you C-Cole but I have to g-go," the poor girl said as the tears on her face fell faster and her throat burned.

She turned her back on him and walked away. Cole stood frozen as he saw the love of his life walk out of his life.

Soon all that he could see was the outline of her before she was gone. He didn't know how long he'd been there, he was waiting for her to come back. She would come back.

Cole heard a voice and spun around. "Cole? What's wrong? We've been trying to call you for 15 minutes," KJ's voice rang.

"I-I," Cole started as he turned to see if Y/N was walking back. "Bro?"

Cole turned around and stumbled slightly, KJ was ready to catch him. Cole sucked in a deep breath, looked up at KJ, and the words he never wanted to say fell from his mouth.

"She left me."

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