Day 5 April 7th 2018

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Today I got to wake up later on the day which was 9:30 am since I wake up at 6:00 am almost everyday. I was really glad.

I exercised for about 40 minutes. I danced by the way. I just couldn't do strength yet after the last few days not being able to walk or breath properly because everything hurt.

I took a shower and washed my hair for the first time after cutting my bangs and did a hair mask.

I didn't eat a lot today since I had eaten too much yesterday, but I did drink lots of water.

I attended extra hours of class because our section is falling behind in this subject due to cancelling some lectures for different reasons.

I studied some for this subject and planned what I should accomplish academically by the end of the week.

I read a little in a wattpad story. It's House Of Cards by the way , the one with jungkook on the cover sipping tea. I think. It's like the best plot and language combined in one story. I'm also taking my time because I don't want to finish it too fast because it's soooooooo good.

That was my day for today.
Have a nice day or night.♥️

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