July 7th

22 1 1

A small theory : today is the day of new beginnings. Since the number 7 represents the cycle of life and death and the cycle of seasons -winter and summer, fall and spring- and all the natural cycles you can think of. Of course it would've been even better if it was 2017 but this emphasizes the fact that this is a mew year and a new beginning.

While I was in the shower, I thought of a good plan to manage scheduling and keep track of my tasks and the things I want to do in general.
I found that whenever I thought of treating a hobby as a task, I seem to take the fun out of the act itself so in the end it becomes like any other task.

In order to keep the fun and inspiration to do my hobbies without putting too much pressure on my self, and also to do my tasks when I should ; I decided to make those hobbies as rewards for completing each task.

A daily schedule of tasks:
Task > Reward.

Exercise > yoga.
Cleaning > shower.
Skin care > YouTube.
Summer reading > book club.
Helping Mom > tea/coffee.
Giving time to others > write.
Learning BTS's Lyrics meaning > watching BTS's choreography.

And whenever I find a new task I'll add it to the list and try to find a reward for it.
Later. ☺️

Today is also the beginning of my Fasting challenge.
Since I'll be already fasting to compensate the days that I didn't fast in Ramadan because of my period.. ( that got a little awakened ) I'll try and keep water  fasting for at least three days in order to cleanse my body from all the bad food that I ate the couple days ago.
Fingers crossed. I'm gonna try and increase my will power and mental strength.💪🏻💪🏻 FIGHTING.🙃

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