Well, we're almost half way through the semester and it's already been intense !
I hate/don't like our translation professor!
She changed the schedule and made us have a weekly 4-hour lecture every Saturday, when we only had 2.😭😭
It doesn't stop there.. she also gives us a weekly assignment + an assignment whenever she pleases.However, last Tuesday, we got to present for the Drama course. Our presentation on the movie Ophelia that is an adaptation on Shakespeare's Hamlet.
It was awesome, I enjoyed it a lot!♥️
I recommend you watch the movie, if you read the play first, I'd be even better!👌🏻As for the comparative, I feel like I'm always behind because I've been absent for too many times, but I will try to do better from now on. FIGHTING!✊🏻
And for criticism, I feel like it's comprehensible so far.
I just feel like I need to pray more and maintain my prayers on time, every single day. I started today by praying the main 5 prayers, so I'm satisfied.👌🏻I also plan to start a diet tomorrow if Allah wills.💪🏻 FIGHTING!
I'm writing this while listening to winter bear by the way 🐻🐾
Also it's so cozy because it's been raining for the past couple of days and we even had thunder that was so loud, it woke me up terrified.⛈🌚🌗
My Journal
RandomThis is my diary. I write here because I can't bring myself to make a physical journal , so if you wish to read it then read it. I'm going to track all of my goals and mental state in this just to achieve my goal of being more aware of my self and t...