Day 8 April 10th 2018

152 1 0

Today was sooo productive.
First I woke ip at 10 am because it was a day off . Then I bought me and my sister breakfast and made us eggs and made myself ramen. I did eat a lot today but it's just because we had another family gathering but this time it was my mother's family. It was amazing since my grandmother and uncle had just arrived from the US. We haven't seen them for almost 7 months.
I helped them unpack and just prepare everything, and I'm really proud of myself because in addition to all of that I prayed all of today's prayers.
I also managed to edit the first draft and write an introduction and conclusion and a few paragraphs, basically I did most of the work , but it's all because I want to have everything organized and well presented so that we wouldn't have to edit it too much. And I also updated today's journal at1:00 am today .. technically it's tomorrow but I haven't slept yet , so it still counts.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 BRAVO to me.

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