OMG!!! This journal has reached 348 views and 14 votes♥️♥️ OMG! I really can't believe it. I remember when it only had like 20 views and I was so thrilled and would still be actually bec I didn't make this for views and votes but only made it so I can share some of my thoughts with the world since I can't really talk to people that much except for my sister and some friends but not really on everything so I get to share random and any thoughts with you so thank you very much for all the love ♥️♥️I really wish you all the happiness in the world and everyone else who's not reading this.
Ok , so today was the first time I fasted in weeks.
It was like spiritual fasting since I find it the most sincere and the most helpful way in restricting myself from eating throughout the day because I find that water fasting just doesn't help me at all; I always feel ok until midday or 4:00 pm and become very hungry and every food I see looks so delicious to me.For that reason I decided to fast for the whole day starting from 3:30 am bec that's around the time of the first prayer of the day that signals the beginning of the spiritual fasting which doesn't only revolve around not eating or drinking anything but also while doing it the Muslim has to pray all five prayers of the day and restrict himself from doing anything bad whether with his eyes (like looking at something or someone in a wrong way) or by his ears ( by listening to bad words, curses, people talking bad about others ...etc.) or by his hands and (doing something bad ) or even by his tongue ( like talking behind someone's back or cursing..etc) and off course by his mind (like not thinking bad thoughts of anyone or planning on doing bad things to someone).
Anyways.. I only resolved to this solution because I have been trying for the last couple of weeks water fasting but nothing worked and I don't feel any closer to my goal , so yeah.
Btw I decided to write tonight because I felt so anxious trying to think of my goals and how far I've went before giving up on every single one of them but I really want to finish the goal of finishing the book "Robinson Crusoe" bec it's a part of my summer reading and I still have two books to read and I really want to finish at least two of them before college starts bec you see I only have one moth left.😐
This is one thing that has been going in my mind but I have too many things to write them all now so we'll just have to wait and see if I will be able to write about them at all. 🙃
Anyways , I hope you have a good night and thank you for reading this.♥️

My Journal
RandomThis is my diary. I write here because I can't bring myself to make a physical journal , so if you wish to read it then read it. I'm going to track all of my goals and mental state in this just to achieve my goal of being more aware of my self and t...