✨🌼My Birthday🌼✨

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This day was a really good day!
It started from the previous day to my birthday.
We celebrated on the 4th of July and had a small family gathering including only the people I like a lot. Then on the 5th of July, a lot of people congratulated me, especially my parents. Thank God for them.
I started the day with my birthday cake as a breakfast.
Then I ate some leftover pizza and Mahshy (an Egyptian delicious dish).
And I prayed all my prayers for the day, even though most of the day my legs and back and arms hurt from making dinner and helping Mom clean the house. It's a lot of work.
Nonetheless, I was able to pray every prayer, and that is the highlight of the day.☺️
After helping  out a bit, by the afternoon, I was kind of hungry, so I ate she'rya  (Egyptian noodles with milk). It tasted very good as well and I was ready to continue on with the tasks of the day.
I also had my coffee, which is part of why I was so energized today. In addition, I watched some videos about cleaning and checking in with my new year's goals and try to look positively to everything I have accomplished and accept everything I haven't done so that I either save it for next year or start working on it.
I hope you don't feel overwhelmed by your goals, and if you do, this is a great way to try and take away the weight of having to accomplish every song goal by the end of this year. Some goals can wait a year or two. Know that your are not a failure or getting behind nor lacking anything. It's just the way human beings work. No one can achieve 10 big goals in a single year.
Let your brain go slow so you can master the first 3 goals this year, and maybe start thinking about the other goals by the end of the year and see what still falls in line with who you want to become and what doesn't, and get rid of that which does not benefit you.

Most of these things come from my understanding of Kalyn Nicholson's daily brew and latest podcast episode. Also I watched a video on how to reset for mid year goals establishing.
In other words, how to declutter your space and mind, as well as reflect on the year so far.
Anyways, you don't need a video for that, but I just find them very helpful in learning new mechanisms.

For dinner tho, I had spaghetti and roasted boneless chicken thighs. 👌🏻
It was very very delicious!
And as a desert, I had Milka bubbly chocolate. ✨

Also, me and my friends talked and joked a lot together so it makes me very happy the everything went so well on this day.☺️
I think by far, this was the best birthday ever!!
I loved it !

I hope yours is as pleasing to you. The secret is to try to not get angry or frustrated at/with any one. This is honestly how I managed to see the brighter and happier side/version of everything.🌸

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