28th September 2019

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Today marks the first day in the second week of college, and it's been stressful let me tell you.

We had an article to translate over the weekend, a chapter to read for our translation course, two articles to read for our comparative course, the first two acts of Hamlet to read along with a chapter to read for our criticism course.
These were almost all assignments for us to do over the weekend, except the criticism assignment which we had to do before the last before the weekend.
I know .. it's complicated, and very frustrating and stressful.
However, today I had an 8:00 am translation lecture that lasted for P"4 hours non-stop except for a 20-minute break.
I also had to attend a two-hour comparative literature after a 4-hour gab of us siting on the floor in a closed hot area because the library was closed.

When I say stressful and frustrating, I mean it!

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