Day 29-30 May(1st-2nd) 2018

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Well, I don't remember much from yesterday except for fasting and helping mama out in the kitchen and praying. I was supposed to take a shower but I ended up sleeping.
Today I decided to share something with you, I'm not sure if I had mentioned this before or not but I have a Food Addiction.
It's been a while since the last time I was conscious about this matter , that's why I haven't been paying attention to the amount of food I was consuming.
I thought that I wasn't eating too much , and I really wasn't till a few weeks ago.
It's because when I saw that I ate too much for a day or two , the next week I would go for healthier choices with less portions.
But for a few weeks now I have lowered my guard and the addiction has crawled back into my head again.
I know it sounds weird , but it's just what it is.
I thought I had control over it and sometimes it seems like I do but then I prove myself wrong every time. For quite some time I've been in denial and thought that I was fine working out even if I eat a little bit more than I should but I'm not fine.
Whenever I see delicious and hearty food I could not say no and even if I'm completely full, I would eat and eat even if I don't taste the food anymore.

But Today I decided that I will conquer this addiction and I will start with 180 degree-changes.

-I'm going to go on a (strict) plant based diet.
•No salt.
•No refined sugar.
•No processed food.
-I'm going to work on myself more and keep myself busy even if I'm tired or lazy. Because then I wouldn't think about food and if I'm really tired I would only need sleep not food.
•Study Hard.
•Work on my accent.
•Work on my writing skills.
•Work on my sketching skills.
•Work on my role of being an ARMY.
•Make other people happy and help them so that even if I'm feeling down I would be consoled with the good deeds I've done.
-I'm going to workout everyday and do yoga everyday.
-I'm going to surround myself with good vibes only.

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