The Power of Habit

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Cue — a signal for you to start an action.
Habit / Action — you choose the habit u want to maintain and JUST DO IT.
Reward — whether it would be the rush of adrenaline/ endorphins after a workout, or feeling accomplished by completing a task.
Routine — that makes it easy to find time for that habit and to eventually be able to do it on autopilot, not taking as much will power as it takes in the beginning.

This doesn't mean that your will power won't be tested. Off course you're going to feel that it's a bit hard to maintain in the beginning, but since consistency is key, you should be improving with each day that you do the habit.

Also you should still start by focusing on one habit only, and it would be better if it is one that has a domino effect— like waking up early which gives you time to workout, relax, finish a task early, and feeling accomplished and proud.

To me, praying the five prayers has that domino effect because I have to be active throughout the day to not miss any of them, I have to eat light meals in order not to feel uncomfortable while praying, I wake up super early to pray al Fajir ( dawn prayer ).

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