December 13th, 6:18 am

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December 13th, 6:18 am

Oh, that's wonderful!!!

Are you awake?


I am now

Oops, sorry Anx.

What the hell, Princey?

It's 6 in the morning on a Saturday what is wrong with you?

Oh goodness, apologies.

It's okay

Probably the time zones

Time zones?


Where your time is different than mine.

Oh right. Duh.

Actually, I don't think we are in different time zones, it's 6:23 am here

Oh same

Well then

Why in hell are u up so damn early?

Waking me up with u?

Oh! I have to confess, I am a bit of an early bird. I go on walks in the morning and watch the sunrise from this gorgeous hill.

It's so peaceful, and it's just me, with the birds singing in the background.


You should try it sometime!

Nah sleep sounds better

I sleep till like 2pm on most weekends.

Why is that?

Cause I don't sleep at night.


Anx, that's bad for you!

You need your beauty sleep!

It's fine.

Why don't you sleep?

I just don't.

Come on, there must be a reason.

Can we talk about this later? I'm sleepy and grumpu and want to sleep


Alright. I will text you about this later, Anxiety. Do not worry!

I'm not worried

Now I'm going back to bed

Alright. Until later today!

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