December 17th, 7:16pm

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TW: Brief mention of cutting

December 17th, 7:16 pm




Who else would it be?

Oh thank god

I was worried

About me?



I just wanted to address some of the things you said yesterday



Am I a bad person?

No, not at all

Am I in any way, that you are aware of, wrong?

No. Ur great. I said I'm sorry for what I said I just...

Well then, neither are you.


You are not broken, or wrong, Anx.

You like me just the way I am. And you deserve the same from yourself, too.


I'm gay too

I... oh



For real?

Ur not just saying that to make me feel better?

No of course not! I'd never do that.

You are amazing just the way you are, Anxiety. Those kids who pick on you have no idea what they're talking about. Don't listen to them. You're no more broken than I am.


Thank u

Ah ah ah

I'm not finished yet.

I'm sorry to hear about what happens to you at night, and what you do to yourself. I'm not going to say much else because I don't understand what it's like. But... I'm going to make you a promise right now.

You won't go through it alone. I promise to stay up with you every night until you can sleep. I will stay up and text you at any time of night. I will not rest until I know that you are alright.

Wow u don't have to do that...

Yes. I do.

Also... I want to help you stop cutting. I am going to find a strategy to help you. Okay?


It's not that easy.

I'll help you.


It means a lot that you opened up to me, Anx.

It was only fair


I trust u

I'm glad

Thank you


Does this mean u forgive me?

I forgive you.

Oh god thank you

Why are you thanking me???

I'm so glad u forgive me. Thank u

Honestly, I can't be upset with you for long, anyway. Even if I wanted to.

So... we're good again?

I sure hope so.

And did u mean all that stuff u said before?

About all that stuff about staying up with me?

Of course!

I won't let anything hurt you, even yourself. princey

Ur a great friend.

Thank you.


Hearts? That's new

Shhhhhhh you're ruining the moment. Shut up and send one back.

*rolls eyes* alright you sap


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