January 11th, 4:15 pm

5.7K 373 66

January 11th, 4:15 pm

Hey Anx

How are you doing?

I'm here to talk if you want.

I don't want to pester you or anything

But just know I'm here for you if you need me for anything

Anything at all

I get that you might not want to talk to me, and that's fine.

I get it

But, don't hide away forever, okay?

You're strong, you can get through this.

And I'll be waiting with open arms for whenever you come back

Take your time

Take care of yourself, okay? This isn't your fault, and everything will be alright.

I won't send you any more texts until you come to me, because I don't want to stress you out or anything. Just remember I'm here, and I care.


You can do it.

Hi beans!

Just a little bit of a heartbroken Roman being a sweetheart <3

But, I wanted to say THANK YOU ALL FOR 10k READS!!! We did it fam squad!

(Lol I'm sorry I watch way too much jacksfilms)

Anyway, I'm going to try to keep this short. Thank you, it means a lot!

Also thank you so much for 1000 votes! You guys make me so happy :))

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