Bonus Chapter #2

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Bonus Chapter #2 - Virgil Meets the Friends

Roman plopped heavily into his seat at the table where the theatre kids always sat. Specifically, the table in the far corner of the lunch room, which was beside the vending machines. They always sat here, because the cafeteria food was disgusting, and they all agreed that closer to the snacks, was better.

Roman didn't always sit with the theatre kids, he'd only begun sitting with them since he'd started rehearsals for "Into the Woods", the school musical, in which he'd played Prince Charming. Now he alternated between sitting with his theatre friends, and his more popular, jocular friends.

He promptly started chatting with his friend Valerie, who was talking to him and their friend Joan very animatedly about something, her long brown hair and loose clothing jostling as she gestured about. Roman was only half listening, though, because he'd felt a familiar buzz in his jeans' pocket. He pulled out his phone and checked it, finding a text from, who his phone called: "Anx <3"

Although Roman had learned "Anxiety's" real name, Virgil, a couple weeks ago, he couldn't part with the nickname. Not yet, anyway. Roman smiled down at his phone, and angled it away from the table as he sent a reply, so that none of his friends could see their messages.

You see, most of Roman's theatre friends had known about "Anxiety" for a while. They'd always teased him with the ship name "Prinxiety". But, they didn't yet know Virgil's real name, or that Roman knew it at all, for that matter. Not to mention the fact that the pair had begun dating not but two weeks ago.

Roman did want to tell his friends, really, he did. But, Virgil wasn't ready for that yet, and Roman would never do anything without his permission. Roman was willing to wait centuries for him.

But, it appeared as though it wouldn't take nearly that long, as Virgil's messages appeared to be suggesting that he'd like to meet Roman's friends. Roman felt his hands begin to shake as they gripped his phone, a mix of excitement and nervousness pumping through his veins. Eventually, one the couple had formulated a plan, Roman set down his phone.

"Hey guys?"

The group of people sharing a table with him, all paused their various conversations, and turned to him.

"I, uh... have something to tell you all."

"Okay..." Joan said tentatively, adjusting their beanie a little. "Go on, then."

"So, uh, you know my friend Anxiety?"

Nods and sounds of agreement came from all corners of the table. Roman flushed a little.

"So we're dating now, and—"


He'd been interrupted, by Valerie. Who had dropped her phone, and smacked her hand in the table, making Roman jump nearly completely out of his skin.

"You're dating?!"


"As in... boyfriends?"

"Um... yes?"

The squeal that followed was so high pitched it was barely audible. Roman was half surprised that he didn't hear a dog howl from somewhere in the distance. After that, Roman was hit with one question after the other, caked with a layer of many "Aw, congrats!", and topped with Valerie squeaking "Prinxiety!" On endless loop.

The commotion quickly died away, however, when Joan asked one attention grabbing question:

"So, who is he?"

Roman opened his mouth to answer, but before he could, another voice cut him off.

"Uh, I believe that'd be me."

Virgil was standing at the end of the table, slightly behind Roman. His long purple bangs fell over his deep brown eyes. He wore ripped black jeans, and winged liquid eyeliner. One hand was shoved inside the pocket of a purple and black patchwork hoodie, while the other gave a small wave. Although it might appear nonchalant, the facade was broken by the way that Virgil rocked back and forth on his heels nervously.

Everyone at the table was silent for a moment, and no one seemed to really grasp, or fully believe what was happening. The only thing that made it seem real was when Roman smiled, and leaned up in his seat, gently kissing Virgil, who's bent down a little to meet him halfway. When he stood up, he smiled awkwardly.

"I'm Virgil, or, as you all know me, Anxie--Woah!"

Virgil had been interrupted by someone slamming into him, wrapping their arms around him in an embrace so tight that Virgil swore that he heard his ribs crack.

"You're Valerie, I'm guessing?" Virgil laughed, as he tried to wriggle his way from Valerie's iron grip around his middle. It didn't go quite as planned, so Virgil ended up walking around to meet everyone with Valerie draped around him. He shook Joan's hand from over her head, and gave Thomas a side hug with the one arm he had free.

After introductions, and after Valerie had finally let go of him, Virgil slid onto a bench beside Roman. Virgil was a little overwhelmed by the commotion, and extra-ness of the theatre kids, so he grabbed Roman's hand for comfort.

Roman didn't seem to think twice about it, gently lacing his own fingers with Virgil's, while continuing the conversation. He broke, only to kiss Virgil on the head, and rub his thumb across the back of Virgil's hand.

Lol I didn't know how to end that XD

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