May 19th, 3:43 am

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May 19th, 3:43 am


Can I...

Can I talk to you for a moment?

If you're awake, that is.


What's up babe?

Is everything ok?

Well, actually... I'm not so sure it is.

With you, I mean.

R u made at me?

No, no! Nothing like that. I'm just afraid something is wrong. For you.

I'm ok

Are you sure?

Even with me moving?

I mean, I love u and I'm sad ur leaving. But rly, I'm ok.

Virgil please be honest with me.

What do u mean?

I talked with your dad earlier.


When you were in the shower earlier this evening.

Oh, what did u talk about?

Scroll up. I'm sure he didn't delete them.



Oh is right.

Virgil why didn't you say anything?

Because u were obviously too nervous to actually tell me about it in the first place. I didn't want to...

To... what?


Did you really stop cutting because of me?


And I made you start again

Fuck I'm such an idiot

No, Roman it's not like that.

Don't pretend.

I'm so sorry, V. If I had any choice in the matter, I'd pick you a hundred times over before ever going to Seattle with my family.

I know it's not ur fault ur leaving. I'm not mad or upset w u. I'm just...

Mad at the universe

I understand.

I'm upset because I was finally getting to a happy place in my life, and I lose it again. Like a fucking carrot was dangled in front of my nose and then taken away.

I thought you hated carrots??

It's a metaphor dumbass


It's fine

It's just like the universe just likes playing with my emotions cause it's funny.

Yeah, hi-fucking-larious

If I had just said something to you sooner. Admitted my feelings a long time ago, or fucking stayed at those doors and waited for you after ur show in March maybe I would have at least gotten more time.

Baby... it's not your fault.

If I had just told u I liked u back in January...

Virgil stop.

None of this is your fault, okay?

Everything that happened between us was, and still is, perfect. I wouldn't change any bit of these past few months.

U wouldn't?

No! Our story is beautiful just the way it is.

And you are beautiful just the way you are.

No I'm not.

I can't love myself.

That's what I'm here for. To love you and remind you how much you deserve it. Even if things are hard right now, they'll get better. Just hang in there. We can make long distance work.

People always say that.

Besides we still have a couple weeks together.

We can make the most of it.


Let's finish this tomorrow, okay? It's almost 4:30 and we need to sleep.


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